@Kraken de Seattle

Le Kraken change la LNH pour le mieux

Le Kraken de Seattle a fait le point sur les nouvelles après l’agence libre. La première femme entraîneur adjointe de la LNH, Eeli Tolvanen, a démissionné, Josh Mahura a signé. Sièges bon marché Patreon : https://patreon.com/CheapSeatsSports


  1. thank you for your sacrifice (uploading a video so we can get matty extension news)

  2. Why is this a good thing? The NHL has always been a men’s league, and the NHL is subsidizing the existence of the PWHL. She’s not gonna have a lot of respect in Seattle’s locker room.

  3. No you guys are not. Ur pandering to woke culture which has already turned ur city and state into a shithole. Oh, and also, idk how you expect players to listen/respect a female coach telling them how to play in a male league. – goes with ur bs climate pledge arena name though so cant say im surprised

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