@Panthers de la Floride

La Coupe Stanley a été gravée (via Facebook)

La Coupe Stanley a été gravée (via Facebook)



  1. spartancheerleader10

    It’s beautiful. I can’t wait to see it in Toronto in February when I visit the hall. This time it will be special to see it.

  2. 0-90195

    YAY Gadjovich is on it. I wasn’t sure if that was confirmed or not.

  3. 186downshoreline

    Alexander Barkov. Captain.

    Hot DAMN! 

  4. C_IsForCookie

    Cemented in history. Let’s goooo!!!

  5. mrsalty1

    Totally forgot Hornqvist joined the staff, happy for him!

  6. CoolMudkip

    See, the panthers may have their name on the cup. But let’s not forget guys, according to the Edmonton Subreddit, “they were the unofficial winners this year”

  7. SipesVivan

    Congrats to the team! Must be an amazing feeling.

  8. purpleopus77

    That is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!!
    I’m so proud to have witnessed this ❤️🐀🏒

  9. Fortenole


    Glad to finally see his name on the cup

  10. Jaws1499

    I waited so long to see this and it’s finally reality!

  11. Count3D

    I knew Gadjovich would make the grade! So cool to see him, OEL, Forsling and Lou on the cup! Also cool to see Lundell, was excited to see where he’d go in his draft, he’s now the first 2020 first-rounder to win a cup!

  12. marshalofthemark

    Well well well if that ain’t Bobby Lou on the Stanley Cup!!

    Great to see OEL there too. Never got a fair shot in Vancouver with his big contract and I’m glad someone took a chance on him.

    And how about Sunny Mehta! It’s now possible for former pro poker players to win the Stanley Cup, nice

  13. KensterFox

    Some thoughts:

    1. I’m not crying, you’re crying.

    2. Who here that has followed South Florida sports since at least the 90s ever thought we’d see the name « John Congemi » on the Stanley Cup?

    3. Roberto Luongo. Like I said before, I’M NOT CRYING YOU’RE CRYING

    4. « Nicholas Cousins » and « Samson Reinhart » are delightful.

    5. Hooray for Gadjovich and Mahura on the Cup.

    6. Why is Matt Caldwell’s name at the very bottom?

  14. Zanderbander86

    Wish my dad could’ve seen this. We had season tickets for most of the franchise history. I wasn’t expecting it but I erupted into elated tears when that clock ran out and we won. Fuck cancer go panthers.

  15. ABCharlieD

    Feels good seeing Luongo’s name on a cup. Wish it would have been when he was a player though, and preferably not by beating my team lol.

  16. Tenabrus

    Luongo is on there and that makes me happy

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