@Canadiens de Montréal

Mike Matheson a obtenu plus de points cette saison que 56 défenseurs de cette liste

Mike Matheson a obtenu plus de points cette saison que 56 défenseurs de cette liste



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  2. whogivesashirtdotca

    It makes me kinda sad to see how few people in this sub recognise Matheson’s contributions. Makes me even sadder that he’s aware of it. Lovely guy with a lot of talent, excited to play for his hometown team, yet everyone’s quick to bitch about him or dangle him as trade bait. Hope he gets a very warm ovation when his name’s called at the season opener.

  3. Mike Matheson is quickly becoming one of the best players to tell if someone actually knows hockey or not

  4. Canadiens need Erik Karlsson in order to take that next step.

  5. Sugarstache

    I’m a huge matheson defender, and he should probably be in this list but dmen arent ranked by how many points they put up and most of the guys on here are better defensemen than matheson.

    But also any fan voted defensemen list is gonna be rough. To have an actual informed opinion about dmen you have to actually watch them play and most people aren’t watching enough of other teams play to have an informed opinion about guys who aren’t on their own team. I know this is definitely true for me. I dont really have an opinion about most players on this list.

  6. DIKs_Steeler

    It’s a popularity contest. Matheson started his career with a rough reputation in Florida. His current contract was seen as one of the worst in the NHL in the first few years, but he turned it around 2-3 years ago.

    The opposite is also very true. A lot of names ahead of him were good/great players who are on the decline, but people don’t really follow them and just remember that « this name was a top D when I last checked ». Chychrun is a good exemple.

  7. DCARRI3R3

    Yeah idk why habs fans have a hate boner for math, my guy is a beauty and just a joy to watch skate

  8. ThenEstablishment801

    Jfresh isn’t the most knowledgeable it makes sense that his fans aren’t either

  9. Whiskeylung

    Sell high! Buy – some other time.

  10. DivinePotatoe

    « Trade this bum » — Like 90% of r/habs for some reason

  11. seabee2113

    I’m really hoping we get a bit more balance so he doesn’t need to play 25+ mins a game, as well as every situation. Allow him focus on what he does best. If our forwards stay healthy I feel like he can put up another 60+ pt season.

  12. Blasselhad

    how does one make a list of 94 defenceman and not include a single Habs player? it’s almost statistically impossible

  13. LoganHutbacher

    I’m gonna get some heat for this, but it’s not a top pp qb list.

  14. snipeftw

    He’s also not better than 64 of the defenders on this list.

  15. jimhabfan

    If you want to know where Matheson should be on this list, count how far up the list you would have to go before you found someone you would be willing to trade Matheson for, straight up.

    I got as far as Morris Seider, who is criminally underrated at number 21.

  16. BigBill58

    Until the team performs at a level that isn’t bottom 5, the players who are great but not elite will never get their flowers. It’s just the way the league works.

  17. Matheson ranked 25th in defensemen for points at even-strength, and played the 22nd most minutes at ES. His points/60 5v5 ranked 71th in the league for defensemen. David Savard produced at a higher rate than Matheson 5v5 (1.41 vs 0.93).

    For defensemen, Matheson was 4th in total PP TOI, 8th in PP points and 8th in PPP/60.

    That’s why points are just that, points. By themselves they’re not a measure of anything. They’re just totals. Totals that need parsing to make sense and better define how and when they happen.

    Matheson is a major minutes muncher, who can get rack up points off a PP because he’s at his best when he has more space to skate; but his efficiency drops 5v5 against better opposition and that limits his production then.

    Matheson is making the most of being force-fed major minutes at all strengths in a situation where his team has little to zero expectations to win important games.

    No amount of cherry picking infographics to boost or blast players will change what they actually are in reality and within context. That also applies to Matheson here.

  18. Old_Canuck

    Love Matheson !!

    Someone gotta teach the kids. 👍🏻👍🏻

  19. Narrow-Fortune-7905

    one of our best aquisitions

  20. Major_Estimate_4193

    if some of our prospects like mailloux and Barron reach Matheson level, that would be a great outcome.

  21. bluAstrid

    Unappreciated offensive defensemen are a staple of Canadiens’ history.

    Feels like Markov all over again.

  22. quickboop

    People are stupid. JFresh relies on this stupidity for clicks and engagement.

  23. flossin_ice

    When I went to a habs game my son got his autograph before and after the game no other hab. He’s amazing! Wasn’t it 60 points!?!?

  24. hockeynoticehockey

    I just don’t understand the Matheson hate. Good thing fans don’t run teams.

  25. janedoe514

    Is this voted by fans on Twitter ? Because yeahhhh doesn’t mean a lot.

  26. LittleLionMan82

    Good vet to keep around and coach the young guys.

  27. Capable-Mobile-8260

    If they’re factoring in lack of defense how the hell is Karlsson so high? He didn’t have that many points and there’s no way the guy is that good defensively.

  28. IcyChard4

    I tell you, those 2896 voters who casted down those votes, I can assume that 80% or 90% of them are NOT Montreal Canadiens fans. And I can certainly say that most of those voters are in majority cities where the Habs are not included.

    Am I surprised that Mike Matheson is not on this list? No. Its possible *JFreshHockey* has run a bias on this Fan Vote.

  29. Burgergold

    Brandon Carlo? For real?

    And John Mariono?

  30. UniverseHelpDesk

    I wouldn’t trade Matheson for 90% of that list. Fuck the voters. I love him.

  31. pumpChaser8879

    Far from a kool aid drinker and not your biggest Matheson fan. But guys like Marino, Durzi and Walker, among others, before Matheson is just completely ridiculous.

    Samuel Girard even geing there is completely ridiculous.

    Matheson should be around 40th to 50th on that list.

  32. ApokatastasisPanton

    People really love to overrate Sergachev, eh

  33. _easy_e

    The guy can play and his ability to drive offense helps protect and improve development of the kids.

    They’ll grow and so will he.

    What won’t work is all this negativity and the idea he can’t be a star on this team.

    For 40+ minutes a game we’re gonna have Hutson or Matheson on the ice and that could be wild.

  34. JustFred24

    And defense isn’t offense.

    I don’t knock Matheson’s offensife contribution, he’s great at what he does and should be higher ranked, but it’s not all about points.

  35. Newf1093

    It’s ok tho everyone got a hate on for the Canadian will just prove them all wrong and tell them we’re to go

  36. JcNoE123

    He’s also terrible defensively, good offensive guy who can QB a powerplay but brutal in his own zone.

  37. King_Frozen9

    Imagine taking Brandon Carlo before Matheson on your team

  38. Hemlock_999

    « Fan head to head vote » – mostly Toronto fans most likely!

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