@Rangers de New York

[Friedman] Braden Schneider et NYR ont conclu un accord – 2 x 2,2 millions de dollars

[Friedman] Braden Schneider et NYR ont conclu un accord – 2 x 2,2 millions de dollars



  1. _mynameisclarence

    *checks cap friendly to see the remaining salary cap*

    What the fuck

  2. MichaelZibanejad

    I know its just a bridge deal, but this is great bridge deal. Provides immense cap flexibility.

  3. Guyfromnewyork95

    I like it. Sets him up for a long term deal once Trouba comes off the books if he makes it that far

  4. StyllAhlie

    Wow what a steal! Was ideally hoping to go 3 years with an aav like 2.5-2.6, but this is just phenomenal business from Drury. Can provide significant plus value playing on the 2nd pair at this rate.

  5. BigBlueNYR51

    That is a FANTASTIC deal for this kid – great bridge deal, and he is going to grow into a top pairing guy.

  6. ShoppingCartsArefree


  7. 09-24-11

    Great deal for both sides. Can’t complain at all.

  8. MyNameIsLegend

    Perfectly fine deal, pretty much exactly what I was expecting. There was some talk about a 3rd year on the bridge, which would have been great, but this is still solid.

  9. TheIncredibleHork

    Definitely expected it to be about half a million north of this. Very happy with the deal.

  10. blueline7677

    Would have preferred an extra year but I can’t complain about this deal. He’s only gonna be 24 when he gets his next contract.

  11. Aggravating_Frame597

    Love it. I definitely think we’re gonna see him improve alot in those two years, lots of potential.

  12. Key-Tip-7521

    Great Deal Drury!

    Love it. This kid Schneids is only gonna get better. If Lav pairs him(Schneids) w/ Key next year, that’s something.

  13. PaulMarnersFurHat

    Drury loves his two year deals.

  14. Great bridge deal that provides flexibility in the cap for the next two years.

  15. newyorksport

    For those who haven’t looked at it, SPOTRAC is the best cap calculator out there

  16. dendrofiili

    What a brilliant deal. Kids been really consistent and will only be better in the coming years.

  17. R4vi0981

    Very fair contract. I think some forget he’s still so young. He’s 22, when a lot of defensman don’t come into their own until mid 20’s, it’s a harder position to grasp, so most players develop a bit later in their careers, but he’s shown a lot for his age. After these 2 years, I can actually see him possibly becoming a 1st pair defensman. Look at all the experience he’s had, and still only 22.

  18. timothy_Turtle

    2-2-2 deal getting me hungry for IHOP

  19. NickPatches

    2.2 total or per? I’m happy either way but 2.2 total would be an absolute robbery (I hope lol).

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