@Kraken de Seattle

Une autre raison d’aimer Buoy…

La langue des signes avec les enfants !

Et tout ce que Big Rig peut faire, c’est simplement sourire !



  1. PixelGhost25

    A coworker of mine has a deaf wife and a partially deaf son, and he once told me things as simple as getting sign language from someone they have never met (ie: Buoy) but are excited to meet, it makes an incredible impact.

    This is super wholesome. And honestly great optics. ❤️

  2. embos_wife

    When I became a fan a year and half ago, my youngest son was non verbal and used ASL. I immediately fell in love with Bouy for learning sign. I’m a forever fan of Bouy.

    Also that sign name is perfection!

  3. embos_wife

    When I became a fan a year and half ago, my youngest son was non verbal and used ASL. I immediately fell in love with Bouy for learning sign. I’m a forever fan of Bouy.

    Also that sign name is perfection!

  4. slouchingninja

    I love this so much. He just made that kid’s day I’m sure. Legit wholesome content from an actual troll, which is just super fun

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