@Canadiens de Montréal

Le Hockey Guy prédit que les Canadiens termineront 15e dans la Conférence Est

Donc pas d’amélioration cette année. Je pense que ça me va.



  1. Electrical_Analyst65

    As long as the players advance in their development I am not concerned. 

  2. DoubleZek

    Même si on s’améliore chaques années, tout le monde (à part ceux qui commence un nouveau rebuild) s’améliore aussi et à cause de ça on reste une des équipes les plus faibles de notre division. Ça va prendre du temps avant de pouvoir revenir en top team, mais ça arrivera. Pas demain, mais un jour.

  3. FlowShredder

    it’s hard to argue against that

    the team is pretty much the same as last year, we just traded monahan for dach

  4. GolfIsGood66

    I think we do better than that by a few spots.

  5. GlorifiedHobo

    Columbus and flyers will finish below us 1000000% otherwise I don’t know. Good chance buffalo does too

  6. FlashyChapter

    I genuinely hope he’s right but we’ll finish around 10-12 in the east.

  7. VR46Rossi420

    Honestly, a bottom 8 pick or even better, bottom 5 would be really great for one more year.

    Habs could either draft a top 6 forward prospect or use that pick to trade for a proven top 6 forward.

    Honestly, that sounds pretty great.

  8. I have no expectations but I’m not sure how we can be as bad as as were last year. Theoretically you should hope and assume the young guys stay healthy, and continue to develop, not regress. And ANY guy in the farm system can be more effective than Pearson/White in the bottom 6. Those guys were *atrocious* beyond belief.

    I predict 11-12th in the Eastern Conference.

  9. antoinePucket

    The east conference is going to be really tight. We may finish 15th, but I bet we’ll be around 10 points from a wild card spot.

  10. Huevas03

    We still aren’t a cup contender. If we make the playoffs it’ll only be good for development/experience purposes.
    Truth is we still dont have the team to make a cup run. In 2021 we had HOF veterans, a superstar goaltender and lots of luck, but to think that our future star players can play at a level higher than the best of the league next season is unrealistic.

    Honestly, last year was one of the best seasons I’ve watched so far. Every game you’d see a different player push their potential. The chemistry between our first line also evolved into an exciting threat.

    Anyways another thing people fail to realise is that M.St-Louis has shown to be an amazing developmental coach, but might fail to be successful to be a playoff coach. If we push for the playoffs (by acquiring veterans or players who want to win now) they might not go anywhere. He also needs time to develop into a better coach in that aspect.

  11. Throaway44009988

    Another bottom 5 finish and i think fan patience will start to wear off

  12. I dont really care. Another top 6 pick would be great. However we should look to start competing and start going for it as soon as demidov is in the line up. We need to cross the line at some point. What better time than when he gets here.

  13. G_skins31

    You’re fine with that? This teams fan base is so far from what it used to be…

  14. It make sense on the surface but I think we kinda underachieved last season and with the off season not nearly over yet we will at least grow internaly and maybe overachieve a bit?!

  15. Intelligent_Field_15

    I think Habs will make the playoffs according to wild card as long as players are healthy and not injured. Gallagher will be back mark my words

  16. Lithium187

    We have the same team as last year save for probably a few more rookie defensemen. Reinbacher, Demidov, Hage, Beck etc while exciting need to develop and none are probably (Demi for sure) playing next season much at all in the show.

    Our goaltending stole more games than it should’ve last season as well so that needs some correction.

    It’s shitty to hear but our first line probably goes off, our 2nd geta some chemistry, but ultimately our fresh D and developing goaltending will have us lose a fair bit.

  17. Minato_is_God

    On paper the roster is worse than last year’s opening lineup. I expect development will essentially make it a wash or slightly improved. Big question mark is health, if any of our top six miss significant time we are finished.

  18. simonlegosu

    Nah man, something’s happening this year. We’re in a good position to pull a 2022-2023 Devils kind of upset..

  19. Habs_Apostle

    Just want to see the young players progress, Kirby have a solid, healthy year, and the team continue to come together.

  20. excelqc

    Based. Embraced the tanking, we are the next Dynasty.

  21. freezier134a

    If this team can stay healthy (yes you Dach)they will live up the standings, they won’t be as bad as last year, but they won’t make a big move for maybe two more years, the team they are building is going to be great for years.

  22. ZGVhbnJlc2lu

    I see our PP being dominant. I don’t see how we finish lower than 12.

  23. NovaCanuck

    Assuming no major injuries, my expectations are that we’ll compete for the wild card until near the trade deadline and then fall off as other teams get into playoff mode.

    Would love to see the goaltending take a step like it did at the end of last year and obviously see the young players grow into their roles more.

  24. RevolutionaryStep229

    I wouldn’t care if we got another top pick,I doubt we will make the playoffs. The east is kind of stacked now and we are still in a rebuild or coming out of one, I think the year after is when the team gets in or close.

  25. rayshinsan

    Oh boy whenever all the experts are down on us we get a special year. Guess it’s that time already.

  26. _thewayshegoes

    If we have league average amount of injuries we will definitely not finish last. If we’re a health bomb again that’s totally in the cards

  27. Hockey_socks

    At some point the Habs will be first in their division again, right? Next year? Next year? There’s always next year.

    For real tho, I think 24-25 will be another year of “growing” but they better start putting a better team on the ice by 25-26 or this could easily escalate into a Sabres type situation.

  28. greg_levac-mtlqc

    I think it’s a far assessment.

  29. Muter91

    I could see us surprising. Bubble team, in the fight for a playoff spot until March maybe. Losing sucks, it’s draining to watch. 

  30. General_Ry

    If you think about it in another way, at one point the East conference will be filled with aging rosters & lots of them in need of rebuild.

    And the habs will have already gone through that rebuilding phase.

  31. CrashTestMummies

    Way early to predict and I’ll wait to see what our opening roster looks like because I’m sure Kent will be cooking before then.

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