@Canadiens de Montréal

Le hockey mérite mieux

Il y a quelques années, j’ai commencé à regarder du hockey. J’ai été immédiatement accroché par ce sport et depuis, j’essaie d’en apprendre de plus en plus sur ce sport. À la fin de la finale de la Coupe Stanley, j’ai commencé à réfléchir à la façon dont le sport était couvert et à la façon dont, à mon avis, la présentation du sport sur certains réseaux freine la croissance du sport. Voici une vidéo sur moi essayant de me frayer un chemin dans le monde fou du hockey. Abonnez-vous ! Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/tomgrossicomedy MARCHANDISES : https://tom-grossi.creator-spring.com/ Utilisez le code promo : TOMGROSSI pour économiser 20 $ sur votre prochain achat de billets chez SeatGeek. Courrier des fans : PO Box 614 Jefferson Valley, NY 10535 Twitter/Instagram/TikTok : @tomgrossicomedy


  1. Bit of a different video today. Been getting into hockey the last few years and wanted to summarize my thoughts as a casual fan trying to learn more about his awesome sport.

    Please feel free to correct me, provide any additional info or just your thoughts on the vid.

    I'm still learning about it and I got to say…I freaking fracking love it.

  2. As a canadian from.montreal i become a hockey fan when i was 8 i become a habs fan when we beat boston in game 7 😅🔵⚪️🔴🙌

  3. Best sport, worst league. The NHL needs to get out of its own way a lot of the time. The leadership has been in power for far too long, and i think change is needed badly.

  4. the broadcasts in canada are 100x better than anything in the us they should study them im not saying their perfect either but tsn sportsnet and cbc sports are way better announcers that know what their talking about intermission shows that acually explains the sport and has interesting topics if americans could watch our broadcasts maybe u would be satisfied tsn has a segment called the quiz which they answer questions and talk about things its multiple choice they explain their answers during intermissions u acually get breakdowns of plays that might help u understand the sport more help u follow it more alot like nfl broadcasts in the us might breakdown a play

  5. This is brilliant. Dude, you nailed it. (And on the constructive side, the Kraken suck lol)

  6. Commenting from Canada. Sportsnet and CBC were the broadcasters here for the playoffs. I typically hate sports panel (any sports panel), too much bravado and yelling with very little insight. The Canadian crews were amazing night in and night out (with a good sized desk).

  7. the presentation and advertising has ALWAYS sucked in the states. like, how in the gigantic fuck do you NOT anticipate barkov skating before he lifts the cup?! what kind of absolute horse shit production is this????

    NBC was a bit better, but it didn't help the game grow at all. at least with ESPN and TNT, the game is growing a bunch.

  8. New subscriber. Love content like this. Looking forward catching up and for future videos. I’ll make sure to leave fat juicy likes to each video. Ps should’ve joined a winning team like the Avs baby. But Kraken are new up coming franchise team. Bad a$$ Name for a team thou. Krakens

  9. The desk issue is quite funny. Me – from germany – didn't had any issues regarding the desk, because our commentators need to stand without a desk. 😉

  10. I used to be a only nfl guy but watching a football game for 3 hours where only on average 12 minutes has actual action, I decided yeah I’m done with this. Watched football for like 15 years but I had more than enough with the stoppage after every play, commercials and everything in between. Buddy of mine introduced me to hockey and I got hooked immediately. And the small and limited commercial breaks was probably the biggest factor for me as I’m not forced to sit through literal hours of commercials like the nfl. Hockey is fast paced not too much scoring not too little and when a period is over I can switch the channel knowing the game will be back in 15 minutes and I don’t need to sit through commentary and commercials. Shoutout hockey and go sharks

  11. First rule of watching hockey that I learnt was to not try to follow or find the puck. Follow the players, then you'll find the puck. Then you can view the game from a wider perspective where the change of players cut into the strategies, how it all weaves together and form an incredible play. I followed Along the Ice for hockey play analysis and also learnt a lot (started watching hockey in March this year hahaha). Second rule is to not watch hockey on ESPN …. they have the worst camera work. I watched it in Sportsnet, and they're not bad, but then again they're canadian ^^v

  12. Let hockey sell itself. I remember when FOX came up with the glowing puck and showed nothing but Detroit vs Colorado kind of like ESPN shows too much Yankees Red Sox. Versus which became NBC Sports Net brought back rivalry games like Boston vs Montreal, Philly vs either NY team ect….. Casual fans should take the time to learn the game and tradition of the sport before talking about making it a circus again.

  13. Can’t disagree more about the commentary “learn more about the players, storylines..” that kind of stuff is best suited for pre/post game discussions. Can’t count how many times a big moment is ruined learning about some player’s grandmas life story mid game.

    US based commentary in all sports is annoying. UK soccer commentary is more poetic and entertaining as it’s only about what’s happening DURING the match.

  14. Hockey is the best sport. A startling statistic says in a 60 minute NFL game there is an average 11 minutes of action. I took a friend with Broncos season tickets to an Avs game, and her comment when we left was, "It's so FAST!"
    Access is a joke but particularly in the Denver market, where Kroenke's Altitude network is at war with Comcast and the network isn't being carried by Comcast, who has the bulk of Denver cable subscribers. During a Stanley Cup-winning run and a pretty wide window of several years here with three all-stars on the team, two of whom are generational players, most Denver viewers can't (legally) watch the games. It is a travesty. And they don't care. Because billionaires are fighting with millionaires.

  15. if you want to watch mls all you have to do is get mls season pass all the games are there. And all the ones on fox are free.

  16. I hate Tkachuk. He's a cheap shot artist with skills. It doesn't make sense. His dad and brother are and were much better players. He's a packmule

  17. Sounds like this is a network problem.

    Also sounds like you need to be a Leafs fan, because every issue that you have with the broadcasting, doesn’t happen in Canada.

    P.S I chose the Leafs because they’re the center of the hockey universe and they have several channels that are dedicated to the Leafs 24/7.

  18. You live in New York, but you not didn't chose a New York team, but chose one from the opposite of the country? Is that even legal?

  19. As long as Bettman is involved and the league cares more about profits than the quality of the game it won't get any better. What's next for the NHL? Expansion to Fresno or even Atlanta 3.0?

  20. Wow Im from the Great White North and we are Nazi crazy for hockey in this country i was born into a hockey family my dad played my mom started figure skating at the age of 3 and by the age of 6 was playing hockey on boys teams and played till her college days where she played with the UNB Reds mens team back in the 70s so all I have ever known is hockey lived number 1 and 2 eat breath and sleep hockey and you just fully made sense of why I am so obsessed with hockey over any other sport cause I played several sports growing up but Hockey I was drawn to it more and it wasn't even close but the way you explained it was actually how I felt without ever thinking about it in the way you explained it lol if that makes any sense but you did so great job on explaining Feelings cause that's not easy to do in any means and you nailed that

  21. You need to find a Canadian broadcast of hockey. Like Hockey Night in Canada, or Sportsnet or TSN or something.
    It's taken very seriously up here.

  22. To be fair the nhl themselves understand that they need to keep growing its why expansion teams keep happening and will continue too. One thing I really want them to stop is the head blows, concussions have forced some amazing players into early retirement and it’s unfair. In the end hockey’s only a game and no one should be afraid of getting killed just because a salty player’s team is losing.

    If you want to learn more about this sport there’s plenty of good history videos on youtube you can watch including iconic stanley cup runs.

  23. Camera work for hockey games is horrible. Move the camera around way too much. Once it's in the attack zone. STOP MOVING THE F-ING CAMERA !!! I want to see the full zone. Blue line to goalie.

  24. Lol being bothered by cuss words is silly as fuck, they're grown men in the heat of yhr game, shit is gonna happen

  25. Espns obsession with the nba really pisses me. Hockey needs more love for such an entertaining game. I became a fan 10 years ago

  26. As someone who never played hockey before or watched it growing up, I love watching hockey over any nba game. It’s not remotely close. NHL guys also seem very similar to the nfl players. All heart and passion.

  27. If you don’t know where the puck is you didn’t watch hockey on peasant vision as a kid. You’ll get it bud just follow players and it will come.

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