@Canucks de Vancouver

Ma fille m’a acheté ce produit dans un magasin vintage à Londres, au Royaume-Uni. N’est-elle pas géniale ?

Ma fille est partie en vacances en Angleterre et a trouvé ce produit dans un magasin de vêtements d’occasion à Londres. Le meilleur cadeau de tous les temps !



  1. Cheese649

    As an English based Canucks fan, I am VERY jealous.

  2. Jersey nerds, is this legit? Buddy has one similar reebok authentic and I couldn’t tell cuz the lettering and logo looked off to me

  3. ThePoppinator

    Hey if you love it I’m all for it, but that is 100% a Chinese knock off jersey

  4. hididillyhothere

    Yeah it’s fake. I have a couple fake ones my parents gave me that they bought. during the 2011 run. Doesn’t mean I don’t still wear the shit out of them, even though I have a few legit ones now! Hockey stick on shoulder is a dead giveaway.

  5. No_Seaworthiness9942

    Ya it’s a Fake. Hopefully they didn’t pay more than $10 but to find something like that in the UK is pretty cool!

  6. waistbandtucker69

    Love it! Fake or not, it’s awesome that your daughter thought of you enough to find something that she knew you would like! Sounds like you guys have a great relationship!

  7. DdyBrLvr

    Kes is a traitor. He completely handcuffed the team on his way out the door.

  8. barelycheese

    Yeah it does look off, unfortunately (not that I can speak, proud owner of a fake Henrik jersey myself). But pretty awesome to find in London, I never see people repping Canucks gear here, only Leafs/Original 6 stuff, sadly.

  9. Educational-Post-191

    Fake. Not a great one at that. But nice gesture

  10. Silver_Snow_690

    Awesome gift! I am guessing its a Kesler jersey?

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