@Ligue nationale de hockey

Quelles traditions avez-vous lorsque vous visitez un nouveau stade ?

À chaque match à l’extérieur auquel j’ai assisté, j’ai pris soin de prendre au moins une épinglette en émail pour mon tableau. Peut-être que lorsque le tableau sera un peu plus rempli, je la rendrai spécifique au hockey, mais nous n’en sommes pas encore là. J’ai vu des gens fabriquer des maillots de voyage sur lesquels ils attachent des écussons des équipes qu’ils ont visitées sur le maillot de leur équipe locale. J’ai pensé à faire cela aussi (mais le nettoyage me semble être une corvée). Quelles autres traditions avez-vous lorsque vous visitez une nouvelle arène ?



  1. throwaway413318

    I used to be able to get the “official game pucks” in the little plastic cases at every arena but I went to Minnesota for the first time last season and they didn’t have them. I usually like to write the date and the score on them.

  2. KaufLobster

    I like to try and see the bluejackets lose at each arena.

    so far it’s been NYI, NYR, and LAK; I saw them play the devils and the caps, but they won those games, surprisingly, respectively.

  3. CLA722002

    lol, what’s with the pikmin though?

  4. BreadUntoast

    I try to buy a puck from the gift shop if I can. When I was younger my dad traveled for work a lot and tried to catch games when he was in bigger cities and would always bring back a puck so I just try to keep it up

  5. RenttheJoe

    Play hockey there.

    13 arenas and counting .

  6. EweCantTouchThis

    I get drunk and act belligerent.

  7. bcsmith317

    We try to get a stuffed mascot from the team store to take home to our cat.

  8. TheIncredibleHork

    I’ve only done this once so it’s not a full on tradition yet, but I would like to make it a tradition. If it’s a stadium/team that I’m not actively rooting against (ie Devils, Islanders) I’d like to go there and see the Rangers play, then go to the next game (or the game before if it happens to work that way) and pick up the local team’s jersey and attend as a ‘fan’ of the home team.

    Again, so far Vancouver has been my only time doing this, but would love to do it again this coming season.

    Edit: Also, local beer. Stanley Park Brewing company has some good stuff.

  9. PrestegiousWolf

    Magnets usually. Just after high school, me and a friend did an original 6 trip. My favorite was the Montreal Forum. The building had this electric vibe, like the ghosts of the past were still there. It had this fog in the rafters that never went away, and would swirl around the banners.. gave the place life. Growing up playing hockey it was the one place I always wanted to see and this was the last season before moving to the new building. Funny story, when the game was over, me and my friend stayed seated, just wanting to take in as much as we could before we left.. as a group of people left, they laughed and said something in French. I wasn’t fluent but my friend was, and she translated that they said ‘the game is over, you can go home now’, she told them that we were visiting and just wanting to appreciate the amazing building, the group actually sat down with us for a few minutes and then we all left together.

  10. Ham34ter

    I always go to the team store and take a lap around the stadium. Always want to pick up a vibe when you first enter and get a feel for everything else

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