@Canadiens de Montréal

Le prix de la gloire dans la LNH : comment Shea Weber et Carey Price font face au prix de leur carrière

Le prix de la gloire dans la LNH : comment Shea Weber et Carey Price font face au prix de leur carrière



  1. GundaniumA

    Well, fuck, reading this just made me wanna cry. I miss Webs and Carey so much. 🙁

  2. AmsroII

    A couple quotes from the article.

    – Carey Price

    “I actually do miss playing the game. I miss playing hockey,” Price said. “I’m kind of hoping one day I could go out and maybe score a goal or two. Playing goal again is pretty unlikely with the torque it takes on my knee. Even when I’m out skating with my kids on the outdoor rink, I can still feel in my knee that it’s pretty shifty compared to my other side. But I’m hoping one day I might be able to go putt around and hit a few goalies in the head.”

    “At the end of the day, as you get towards the end of your career you start thinking, OK, well, at that point I’ve paid a price for this, and then you have to start looking (at life) after hockey, and then you start thinking I want to be able to walk and play with my kids and not be getting knee replacement surgery at 40. I think you go through stages in your career.”

    – Shea Weber

    “Mentally, I was not in a very good spot, knowing that I was done playing, for the full year. I tried to come back. I tried to call my agent and tell him I would try to come back, and he was like, there’s no chance unless you don’t want to walk. So, mentally, I was in a very tough spot,” Weber said. “I didn’t want to talk to anyone. I didn’t want to talk to my family, I didn’t want to talk to anybody. I just wanted to hide out. I wanted to go in the bush, I wanted to be by myself … I was not in a good spot, physically or mentally. Obviously I’d come to see the guys on the road and that would kind of give me the joy back like I was still there, but there was no … like I said, I would rather just take my machine, go out in the bush and just be by myself. I didn’t want to talk to anyone, I didn’t want to be with anyone. It was hard.

    “You do something for your whole life, your goal was to make the NHL, your goal was to win the Stanley Cup, and then all of a sudden, it’s just stopped. Cut off. And it’s like, now what do you do? I was just mentally … it was tough.”

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