@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Cela me dérange tellement

Cela me dérange tellement



  1. darthjuicey

    I wish Gohan would blast me away with a Kamehameha right about now

  2. Unhappy-Tart3561

    It bothers me were still talking about stamkos. He’s moved on its time for the bandwagon fans to quit moping.

  3. OttoRocket94

    At least we don’t have ads on our jerseys….. yet

  4. klaxhax

    Even the sabertooth tiger looks like it’s gonna barf

  5. Express-Promise6160

    God their jerseys are stupid

  6. TurlingtonDancer

    we can grieve all summer but when the season starts i don’t wanna hear it anymore. i wish him the best but i also wish he regrets the decision. either JBB improved our cup chances in the next couple years, or he destroyed his own legacy and gets chased out of tampa

  7. crassculture

    While I hate the decision that was made, in the end, I’m happy for him and his family as long as they’re happy. But once the season starts? I hope our team comes out with a burning vengeance and buries his new team six feet under. Give him a little pang of regret and make him miss his old team.

  8. youthcanoe

    As a Bolts fan who has lived in Nashville the last 12+ years, this still feels so wrong

  9. One_Rope_8142

    Those jerseys are absolutely horrific

  10. AggressivelyYeet

    Yellow is really not the best color on him.😅 That’s too bad. At least he’s getting paid well to wear it.

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