@Ligue nationale de hockey

Une représentation visuelle de l’impact défensif de Patrice Bergeron contre celui d’Alex Ovechkin (de 2019/20)

Une représentation visuelle de l’impact défensif de Patrice Bergeron contre celui d’Alex Ovechkin (de 2019/20)



  1. TJTrapJesus

    **Further to the right:** How often per 20 5v5 minutes a player is able to stop an opponent’s possession by removing the puck from them with a stick check, body check, blocked shot, or blocked pass

    **Further to the top:** How often per 20 5v5 minutes, when a puck is poked, jostled, or blocked loose, a player recovers it and turns the tables for their team in a positive direction

    **Larger bubble size:** How often per 20 5v5 minutes a player enters an even engagement for a loose puck with an opponent and comes out on the winning side

  2. shmoove_cwiminal

    6x Selke seems about right. How many Richard, Art Ross or Harts though?

    If we’re gonna compare, then let’s peel it back a bit more…

  3. JonTheWizard

    Ovi has always been nothing but offense, so this isn’t surprising to me.

  4. commaZim

    That’s pretty much what I’d expect, yep!

  5. BandwagonReaganfan

    Put some respeCt on the Bergy background pic.

  6. Beavie_

    Ovi has always been offensively oriented. Granted when you are going to finish your career as potentially the greatest goal scorer of all time, your team can overlook that. It is like min-maxing in an RPG, you build your stats towards what you’re good in and try to dominate.

    But I think it also shows just how Bergeron was a game changer in terms of being responsible in your own end. It is like you have a third defenseman. Oh, and he still had over 1200 games played and over 1000 points so he had longevity and could pull his weight in the offensive end. He may have been on my team’s biggest rival, but massive respect to all of that.

  7. TheAccountant381

    Hats off to you Malkin, seems all those complaints of 71’s poor defense is unsubstantiated

  8. NitasBear

    You don’t need to defend if the puck is in the opponents’ net

  9. MrRed2037

    Is there a place we can see the entire chart with each bubble and who they are? I would love to look at this more deeply

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