@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Kuzy nous a offert l’une des plus belles photos d’un joueur des Hurricanes. Une véritable légende des Hurricanes

Kuzy nous a offert l’une des plus belles photos d’un joueur des Hurricanes. Une véritable légende des Hurricanes



  1. FluffyHearing3205

    The video from the team picture day never fails make me laugh. He sure seemed like he was enjoying his time here and I thought he was a good addition to the team.

  2. Bennett_19

    Glad we were able to give him a good sendoff to him NHL career

  3. yemKeuchlyFarley

    Lol. No. That’s a regular ass photo.

    But he DID give us one of (if not, the) nastiest penalty shot goal in Canes history, postseason or otherwise.

  4. Ashrelm

    This was my phone background once it dropped.

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