@Flyers de Philadelphie

Wells Fargo va abandonner son nom du Wells Fargo Center

Wells Fargo va abandonner son nom du Wells Fargo Center



  1. Plain_Dane

    I guess it’s just called Center now

  2. Perryplat199

    Does this mean that Wells Fargo bank itself is about to merge with yet another bank.

  3. CantaloupeMafia

    ~~fourth~~ fifth times the charm

  4. lydrulez

    Really starting to get mad at how many different websites require an account to read free articles.

  5. IronChefPhilly

    I expect it to be The Matvei Michkov Arena by the time the first puck drops

  6. No_Advice_4863

    I liked it when it was called the FU Center. Danny should call up the CEO of First Union to see if they are interested in the naming rights again.

  7. Wekilledit88

    Give me the Wawa Center, godammit.

  8. JiveChicken00

    Here’s your chance, Taylor Pork Roll.

  9. HappyHourEveryHour

    Matvei Michkov Center for Hockey Players who Cant Play Good And Want To Do Other Stuff Good Too

  10. schoolairplane

    IHATESTEVENSINGER.COM Arena coming soon.

  11. realdeal411

    I’m assuming the naming rights agreement expired/is expiring and they aren’t going to renew

  12. johntology

    AOL Time-Warner PepsiCo Viacom Halliburton Skynet Toyota Trader Joe’s Center

  13. GimmickyBulb

    If we pool all of our cash together, we could get it named the u/GimmickyBulb arena.

  14. MidAtlanticPolkaKing

    I had just gotten used to this one

  15. megnart2k

    Philadelphia Cream Cheese Center


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