@Ligue nationale de hockey

Mat Ishbia a finalement pris l’initiative de ramener les Coyotes de l’Arizona/Phoenix dans la LNH après le départ d’Alex Meruelo, comme plusieurs l’espéraient.

J’espère vraiment qu’avec son leadership, il pourra faire du hockey un succès en Arizona avec la réactivation des Coyotes. C’est une énorme opportunité pour JJ Watt et Shane Doan d’unir leurs forces aussi. Je soutiens pleinement cette idée. Avec les bonnes personnes aux commandes et une arène au bon endroit, le hockey fonctionnera dans le désert.

De plus, je soutiens totalement les équipes qui prétendent à l’expansion en ce moment, car il n’y a pas besoin de réalignement. Les Coyotes de l’Arizona (Pacifique), les Aeros de Houston (Central), les Thrashers d’Atlanta (Métropolitain) et les Nordiques de Québec (Atlantique). Je pense personnellement qu’il s’agit du scénario le plus réaliste d’une future expansion de la LNH.



  1. PositivePrimary8773

    I hope PHX gets an opportunity to have a team with competent ownership. As an implant who moved to Tempe from St Louis I loved every single Blues/Coyotes game I attended at Gila River Arena and Mullet Arena. Arizona is a fuckin rad place and deserves hockey to be there.

  2. imaybeacatIRl

    Well he definitely has the money to do it, and build a new arena for them.

  3. Scuba_4

    I swear it would be the funniest thing ever if Arizona gets a second team before Quebec

  4. dbag3o1

    Oh hell yeah! Name them the Moons. Phoenix Suns and Moons.

  5. Brilliant-Chapter202

    I hope this is real for all my friends in Arizona

  6. French-BulIdog

    The issue was never the fanbase or even the city/state. It was all management/ownership.

    Ishbia is a lot better. Phoenix deserves a proper franchise

  7. nhabster

    So it was just about getting rid of Alex Merulo?? Lol

  8. PhariseeHunter46

    there are too many teams as it is. The more expansion, the more the quality of officials goes down. There just aren’t enough officials

  9. Bssmn77

    They would rather put a team on the moon then another Canadian team

  10. MagniPlays

    Yea I just don’t care.

    No offense to phoenix or any other expansion teams but this needs to stop.

    We already are slipping further and further from a parity league as more spots are filled with minor league players to fill teams.

    32 is fine and until all 32 close the gap in parity and we have an explosion in youth programs and talent, then fuck off.

  11. CitizenNaab

    I would feel confident in an Ishbia-led NHL team in Phoenix. I don’t think it would be the disaster that the Coyotes were

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