@Rangers de New York

Kreider sur Goodrow

Kreider : le départ de Goodrow des Rangers est « un aspect horrible de notre activité »



  1. Genghis-Dong

    You know what else in an awful side of the business? Paying large contracts to players with the expectation that they’ll show up when they’re needed most.

    This isn’t a direct shot a Kreids, or Goodrow for that matter (especially since he was one of a handful of guys who actually showed consistency in these last playoffs). But if your core of players consistently comes up short when the lights are the brightest, then I don’t think it’s an absurd thought to try and shake things up.

    It’s nice that this previous team felt very close with one another, I want that for any team I support. But at the end of the day these are professionals getting paid a good amount of money to perform, and sometimes tough decisions need to be made to try and get the most of that performance.

  2. flaamed

    Vibes at an all time low, more evidence that the players do not believe in accountability

    Already know this is gonna be the excuse next year

  3. I mean, if I get shit canned from the company I work for, I too think it’s an awful side of the that particular business.

  4. TreeFugger69420

    I just don’t care what these guys think anymore. I find myself being mad at every single one of their quotes.

  5. callmesnake13

    I’d say the awful side of the business in NHL terms is more along the lines of the whole “let’s diminish these sexual assault allegations because we’ve got a franchise to run” thing

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