@Flyers de Philadelphie

L’ailier des Flyers de Philadelphie Matvei Michkov a débuté en tant que favori pour le trophée Calder 2024-25, avec les meilleures cotes du marché de +450, ce qui représente une probabilité de victoire implicite de 18,18 %

L’ailier des Flyers de Philadelphie Matvei Michkov a débuté en tant que favori pour le trophée Calder 2024-25, avec les meilleures cotes du marché de +450, ce qui représente une probabilité de victoire implicite de 18,18 %



  1. scratchydaitchy

    Place your bets ladies and gentlemen

    Can I also bet my mortgage Gauthier doesn’t finish top 3?

  2. surviveseven

    I’m glad that we now have a guy that scares other teams. It’s always, oh boy McDavid has the puck of Bedard has the puck. Now it’ll be other fans going shit Michkov has the puck.

  3. tobybells

    Idk if I’m the minority at this point, but it bums me out how things went with Cutter. I get it was never meant to be and he apparently was a total dick to us….but man our narrative would feel so different if we had 2 of the top 3 Calder favorites in our FWD group.

    Please Drysdale, make us forget.

  4. SerbianSlayer

    I’m surprised they ranked Gauthier slightly over Smith, I guess they think being on the Ducks rather than the Sharks sets him up better for next season despite Smith having higher points per game in the NCAA last season

  5. dangshnizzle

    Where do you find this odds comparison tool?

  6. Dr_A_Kreiger

    The amount of hype around him makes my chest hurt with anticipation. Do we finally have our superstar that we have been waiting for? I loved G and he was great but I just want us to have the next______. I want us to have the guy that everyone sees and associates with the Flyers.

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