@Red Wings de Détroit

Mini bagarre entre les Red Wings de Détroit et les Blues de St. Louis en 2003 / Kocur veut Quenneville

– Mini bagarre entre les Red Wings de Détroit (Mathieu Dandenault, Tomas Holmstrom, Igor Larionov, Luc Robitaille, Mathieu Schneider) et les Blues de St. Louis (Shjon Podein, Bryce Salvador, Matt Walker, Doug Weight) – L’entraîneur adjoint des Red Wings de Détroit, Joey Kocur, crie après l’entraîneur-chef des Blues de St. Louis, Joel Quenneville – Bagarre de hockey de la LNH, 29 mars 2003


  1. Look kids, one guy on the bench made his living punching the daylights out of opponents, and the other guy on the bench employed sexual predators.
    Damn, what I wouldn't give to see Kocur knock Quenville TFO, either yesterday or today.

  2. POS Scott Walker pounding on Luc Robitaille is closest he’s ever gotten to the Hall Of Fame

  3. These refs were ass. I know rules were a bit looser 20 years ago but how do they just let Walker blatantly crosscheck/hook/interfere with Holmstrom like 10 times lol. At a certain point you have to know it's gonna blow up if you don't get him off the ice.

  4. I know everybody talks about Probert but Kocur was the toughest hockey player of all time. The way he would throw that right hand was insane

  5. I watched Gordie Howe when he was still with the Wings. So I've seen a lot of NHL hockey. There has always been a lot of tough guys who could fight in the NHL. They've changed the rules to try and cut down on the mass fighting. Sometimes the least likely teams have the roughest fights. Wildest brawl I ever saw was a fight between the Canadians & the Rangers which ended up with players fighting fans in their seats. Even now the Wings have s few young guys who will jump in and defend a team mate.

    Kocer was a great fighter. But he had a bad habit of injuring his hands in fights.

  6. Ozzie's face is all like "I sure the fuck miss being a Red Wing" He got to finish his career the right way though.. ANOTHER giant fuck up from Ken Holland..

  7. Kocur was ready to kick some ass and Joel knew it.😂
    I watched that game live, Quenneville was petrofied, couldnt get off the bench and out of there fast enough.

  8. There’s nothing like a hockey game but you gotta listen to the crappy announcers. Oh this is yeah delete she look at this blah blah blah blah blah no wonder I don’t watch hockey anymore. Too much opinions instead of the game just saying.😂

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