@Oilers d'Edmonton

La LNH n’apprend jamais

Les Oilers ont décidé d’embaucher Stan Bowman comme nouveau directeur général… Nous parlons de cette décision stupide et plus encore dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui.


  1. Reinstating these guys at all is a fucking joke. There aren't ANY OTHER people who can step in as a coach or GM? We have to recycle this trash? [Blackhawks fan btw hate hate hate this all]

  2. This virtue-signalling is unbearable. He’s fulfilled his obligations, has expressed regret and has worked on improvement. I’d love to do a deep-dive on the lives of everyone clutching their pearls here and see what turns up.

  3. Fuck I am a flames fan and I hate on the oilers, but not when it comes to this they deserve better. Just gunna tarnish the oilers reputation.

  4. This gm is really bad besides the whole Kyle beach situation. He got rid of Kane, Terevainen and many others as well as getting players like Seth Jones

  5. I’d like to go on record that I don’t care about sexual assault and I’m willing to say sorry for whatever. Oilers if you are listening I’ll take my million dollar position at your company now

  6. As a long time “oiler” non-fan – I dont care what Edmonton does & the NHL has reduced themselves into a non essential sport for fans with their decisions on rules, refereeing and other quasi-promotional quirks like playing games in Europe – I have not watched a full game live or on TV for the last 5 yrs – if it weren’t for my family hockey draft that is entering 44th year, I’m not certain I would watch any – Just my humble opinion

  7. So the Oilers just like hiring GMs that have failed in the salary cap era? Like how can you hire Ken Holland then proceed to hire Stan Bowman lmao.

  8. I don't know much about the story. I believe there should be a path to redemption and hope for his soul, that Bowman has taken those steps. Although it doesn't sound like it from that one clip.

  9. Hey Eck, I am so disheartened and disgusted. As you said, “Personal growth”. OK cool, they still don’t belong back in the league. Of course, he didn’t reach out to the high school kid, start a charity for SA survivors, or do any on-the-ground work with individuals. It’s pathetic.

  10. Im put off by the baggage, but if Bowman can show he learned from his previous mistakes. On ice and off, I think he will do just fine. JJ will not give him free rain. Look at what Jackson has done in the last month, think he wants to let someone else undo any of that, I doubt it. Watch EDM win a cup or three, and Bowman advance the cause; then I doubt we hear any noise

  11. i believe in second chances. Bowman and Quenneville made some grave and hideous mistakes but as far as i know it's the first time they've done anything like that. They deserve a second chance. Well, they deserve the right to earn a second chance. and that chance is earned by being clear and honest about what you've done and then making a true and earnest effort to correct what has been done and guarantee that it won't be done again all in the light of day were victims and the rest of us can see. I'm sorry but part of the atonement is lay yourself out bare for all to see so we can all be sure the offense is gone.

    i agree with you that there hasn't been enough transparency, and at times a blatant actions to hide. It's not good enough.

  12. I've been an Oilers fan since I could walk, and this is the worst thing I think the organization has done in my time as a fan. we do have a reputation as a place for second chances, and for Kane, Perry, Kassian it's reasonable and I even rooted for them. but Bowman? covering up multiple sexual assaults? as a victim myself I just don't understand how they could bring this guy on

  13. Joe Quenneville would be a better GM than Bowman, think about it, do you want your team to be as good as the Blackhawks were under his leadership ?

  14. Wow, what a way to cra* all over their fan base, sickening news for Oilers fans. Sickening for NHL fans too, covering up sexual assaults in the name of championships doesn’t ever deserve a second chance. Poor decision NHL both for this and also handing Chicago first overall draft picks.

  15. Bowman signed Seth Jones to an 8 year $9.5 million cap hit contract that ends when he’s 35.
    What a great GM😒

  16. And Ken Holland goes back to the family in Detroit so he can teach Chris Illitch how to own a dynasty like his dad Mike did.. Fuck , the Wings are going to be good

  17. Oilers have always been an organization of “second chances”. What Bowman did tho, is inexcusable and his suspension should not have been lifted. Keep a close eye on him

  18. As bad as Holland was in the salary cap era, this is still a downgrade… Which is very hard to accomplish. How puzzling on Edmontons part after a cup run. The Red Wings and Oilers are my two teams.. still rooting for both!!

  19. Not really too sure where other fans stand on the matter, but I’ve been through thickens in the last 25 years with this team and I think that I’m going to move on and find a new team to support. There’s no coming back from this in my book. What Baumann did is unforgivable from a social standpoint

  20. As fans, we have to make our voices heard. Immediately we should all cease to partake in anything Edmonton oilers related. Stop looking at new articles, media postings, etc. stop buying and wearing apparel cancel all season tickets and general game tickets, etc. Make the organization hurt so bad from this signing in their bottom line margins. This should hurt the NHL too as two of their best players will suddenly be in the darkness that is this team. Good thing there is that they have 1 and 2 years left on their contracts until they can go elsewhere.

  21. There's a world where Stan Bowman gets re-instated to the NHL and gets an NHL job.

    It just doesn't need to be Stan Bowman gets reinstated after one of the more notable scandals to hit the NHL in the last half century and less than a month later he's got one of the highest positions available on a team and I think that's what's bothering a lot of people.

  22. lol they Perry and Kane already. NOW the Oilers fans are mad? Your franchise is in love with the most horrendous people! Congrats for finally figuring it out 😂😂😂😂😂

  23. Joel Quenneville is the only one who should've been reinstated. He's the only one that didn't have total control over all the staff all the time.

  24. Not gunna lie…if anyone was going to hire him, Edmonton was on my shortlist. They picked up Perry after his little "snaffu" in Chicago. No questions asked/answered – just want results.

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