@Flyers de Philadelphie

[Tony Androckitis* (@TonyAndrock) on X] Selon une source de l’AHL, Alexei Kolosov a déclaré aux Flyers à la fin de son séjour avec Lehigh Valley qu’il ne voulait pas revenir. « Ils l’ont mis seul à l’hôtel et il s’est senti isolé, d’autant plus que son anglais n’est pas très bon. »

Il y a beaucoup d’opinions à ce sujet sur X.

À mon avis, si vous signez un contrat pour jouer à l’étranger, vous devez vous attendre à des moments difficiles pour vous acclimater et apprendre la nouvelle culture.

Beaucoup de gens se comportent comme si le fait que les Flyers l’aient mis seul dans un hôtel pendant un mois était un crime de guerre. Je ne sais pas comment nous en sommes arrivés à ce point, en tant que fans, où nous prétendons qu’un mois passé dans une chambre d’hôtel est un crime.

C’est un espoir qui doit gagner sa place dans le grand club.



  1. lilbismyfriend21

    I get what you’re saying but at the same time they should accommodate him a little bit

  2. Dont_Call_Me_John

    You can make the exact same arguments the other way:

    For my money – if you sign a European player, you need to expect to put some effort in to acclimating them to a new environment and culture.

    A lot of folks acting like not enjoying a month of loneliness in Allentown, PA is a war crime. I don’t know how we got to this point as a fanbase where we pretend choosing your home over a C-tier American city is egregious.

    We’re a franchise that needs to convince people to choose us over other options.

  3. DH28Hockey

    Ersson has clearly earned a role and it was now or never with Fedotov. Kolosov was asked to endure ~1 month of hardship folowed by fighting for your spot for a year or two as a part of a process to potentially earn a long term role as an NHL player, which is probably one of the most desirable careers on the planet for most people.

    He has every right to leave if he wants, but I don’t really feel bad for him and I certainly don’t blame Briere for how this played out

  4. FaithlessnessSea1058

    It’s not a war crime but they should have a better system set up to make foreign prospects feel more comfortable.

    How would you feel at 19-22 going over to Russia and not speaking the language and not having a proper support system?

    Would that have worked out well for you?

  5. Narrow_Book_42069

    if you give me 2.8 million dollars over three years I will sit in a hotel room in a country I don’t speak the language of for one month while simultaneously advancing my career.

    If you don’t want to play here, fuck off.

    I think the dude thought he would come in and immediately be the starter for the Flyers and then there was Ersson and Fedotov in front of him. He’s in his bag about it and wants to go home instead of working on it. That’s fine, that means he ain’t got the mental chops to be the goalie of a team that’s trying to consistently contend for a cup.

  6. Sandrark86

    Going to be difficult to rebuild if you piss off your top prospects to the point where they just want to bail.

  7. GimmickyBulb

    This is exactly the kind of stuff I was talking about before Gauthier. Something is wrong with how they’re developing these guys. An organization with the resources of the Flyers couldn’t find this guy a community to join in Allentown? Isolation like that is a form of torture. Make better decisions, Flyers.

  8. Fun-Analyst-4398

    Kolosov has a legit shot at making the NHL next year. His progress has been outstanding.

    Come on back Kolo, we need you!!!

  9. newpha666

    Hate to sound like the old guy but this seems to be happening more and more with this generation of hockey players.

  10. Nochtilus

    If he couldn’t handle that for a month, I don’t think he was going to tough out a year plus trying to earn an NHL spot. I’ve moved to multiple places for work where I didn’t know anyone and while I spoke the language, some had very different cultures from mine even in the US. Not even giving it a month shows a lack of resilience that makes me question his ability to stick through the AHL to NHL.

  11. Gunmars

    I don’t know why organizations just don’t buy/build a multi bedroom house for young guys, especially from overseas. Gives them a nicer place to stay then a hotel room. Other guys around to help build friendship and can have someone « manage » the house to get them on a routine for exercise,training, diet and all that. A hockey halfway house.

  12. Cha0s_Reigns

    I can understand both sides here, but my take is that you’re a professional sports organization and if you value a foreign player it’s not hard to make a reasonable effort to help them acclimate to life here.

  13. As a parent of a 20 year old, I can understand Kolosov wanting to be a KHL starter over an AHL backup. It’s a big gamble for your long term career but that’s hard to see at 20 years old.

    DB can’t hand out minutes to players who haven’t earned it. If that makes the player sad, then so be it. Also as a parent as 20 year old, I trust you to take care of my kid on a whole different continent and culture. WTF the team has you holed up in a room for a month?

    The player, team and agent all have a shared interest and it’s disappointing they can’t reach an agreement.

  14. dreddsdead

    It’s called empathy. Read about it sometime.

  15. Peeter_With_2_Es

    Regardless of who is at fault, you would think after the Cutter situation these kind of things would be looked at differently. Prospects now need a little babying, this isn’t news. Frustrating to say the least.

  16. guyfromphilly

    This is the same information that’s been recycled since the beginning of June and for some reason every few weeks, a new account acts as if it’s new information. 

    You have to wonder how different this situation would be if they didn’t bring him over in March, have him play two games, and sit on the bench for next month and a half. I think this would be different if he had stayed home for the spring/summer and came over in September. 

    In total Flyers fashion they’ll end up « the bad guys » for holding him to the contract. Tough situation, but I’m not total doom and gloom here…..yet

    It’s worth noting that the Phantoms signing another goalie (whose seems like a fringe AHL backup with his numbers) is what sparked this conversation popping up again, both this guy and Gahagen are can easily be assigned to Reading

  17. Future-cthe3rdeye

    As much as I feel for Cal Peterson, I think he needs to give up his spot. I think Kolosov and the other goalies need to compete to see who gets first, backup, and backup to the backup.

  18. TwoForHawat

    For those who want to criticize the front office about their ability to make the transition easy for guys coming from overseas, I would think that it would be difficult to square that opinion with how they handled Fedotov. They’re going to end up paying him about 4-5 times his actual market value the next two years, solely because they were willing to make up for the financial hit Fed would’ve absorbed to pursue his NHL dream.

    Maybe there are specifics of the Kolosov and/or Gauthier situation that could’ve been addressed a little better, but on the whole I don’t see much to criticize. Kolosov signed a contract and I can’t imagine he was given expectations that didn’t line up with reality. Maybe when he actually made the jump, he found out that he was way less equipped to handle it than he thought. But I don’t think it’s fair to pin that on the GM, because there’s nothing unique about the way they’ve handled this situation.

    Hopefully Kolosov comes to his senses, but if he refuses to honor his contract then I think Danny should play hardball about it.

  19. phascinating613

    This is probably why Danny is so keen on bringing Michkov’s brother and mother over so we don’t have this problem again

  20. Perryplat199

    For future reference, just [tony androckitis]…. Is an acceptable way to tittle Twitter links. You don’t need the whole thing reddit auto fills when you paste the link

  21. The_Mauldalorian

    Holy fuck that’s two top prospects who didn’t wanna come back. Beginning to think Cutter wasn’t the crazy one

  22. jabtrain

    It was a mistake to send Kolosov to Allentown with no other Russian speakers. Why not let him acclimate over the summer in Voorhees where there will be other Russian-speaking players, like fucking Fedotov, for example.

    It isn’t 1978 any longer, not every single fucking thing has to be about going through trials to develop « Flyers character ». Has this organization learned anything at all about the modern game or do they literally just look backwards for reference points on how to handle every situation?

    This organization is not the « gold standard » they keep claiming they are.

  23. boylejc2

    I hope the Flyers find a way to salvage this, but I have no idea if that is even possible.

    I completely understand why Kolosov wouldn’t want to come back to that, but I don’t think this is (all) a Briere problem. The AHL and ECHL team have general managers and development coaches too. Not great that the players didn’t do more to accomdoate him, though I understand you’re fighting for a playoff spot and a roster spot. But what about Lappy? Nick Schultz? Alyn McCaulie?

    Put it together people.

  24. Own_Result3651

    I mean I just don’t get why he wouldn’t be staying with someone from the team whether it’s someone in management or a player from the team. Typically in juniors (unless you want to decline the option and do someothing on your own) stay with a billet family or they stay in an apartment under the guidance of the team with other players. Just seems like a very odd thing to not have living with other people right away

  25. thatdudefromthattime

    Without knowing the full context of the situation, I’m sure there were multiple levels to him, not wanting to stay. Language, I’m sure that had something to do with it. Where he sat on the depth chart, possibly. We don’t know who is in his ear from his home country, and maybe someone is saying “hey man, you could be starting here“. Even with a possible language and culture barrier, they still have hockey in common obviously. But maybe he just didn’t connect with anyone and maybe he didn’t try harder to do that. Maybe coaching and management is the problem, but will probably never know the whole situation situation because no one will ever be honest about it.

  26. diggingthroughsand

    Nah, man, this kid is soft. As shown by the recent examples with the mad Russian and our new hugemongous goalie, the Flyers go above and beyond to get these guys over here safely and feel comfortable and part of the team.

    I’m sure they are very aware of how to make kids feel wanted, especially with the Boston kid skipping town.

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