@Ligue nationale de hockey

Les frères Nylander réunis dans TOR

Ne serait-ce pas génial de voir Alex trouver ses marques avec son frère dans la même équipe et peut-être sur la même ligne. Il ne s’agit pour l’instant que d’un contrat AHL, mais voir comment Alex a terminé la saison dernière avec CBJ montre qu’il peut rivaliser au niveau de la LNH, il doit juste trouver de la constance. Pensez-vous qu’il deviendra un joueur des Leafs cette année ou qu’il restera un joueur de la AHL ?




  1. ssv-serenity

    Feels like more of a favour for Willy. Sometimes you see sports teams or organizations do this to keep favour with top talent. Doubt he plays a regular season game, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they get into a Pre Season game together

  2. togocann49

    Anyone hoping for some brother magic to raise Alex’s game? I know it’s not really realistic, but still

  3. ILSmokeItAll

    Such an aggravating goddamned player.

  4. Hutch25

    The issue is he is going to get the same experience he had in Chicago where he didn’t get a shot as a top 6 player.

    Toronto has so far neglected to give Nic Robertson a proper top 6 opportunity, could you imagine what they would do with a guy who hasn’t really even had a chance to show his skill as an NHL player at all?

    The story would be nice, but for Alex’s sake this isn’t a good move. I’m curious what the thought process is here, maybe Berube actually cares to let players like him have a chance?

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