@Flames de Calgary

Lomberg ravi de rejoindre Huberdeau : « Aucun doute » qu’il reviendra au plus haut niveau

Lomberg ravi de rejoindre Huberdeau : « Aucun doute » qu’il reviendra au plus haut niveau



  1. MikeTythonsBallthack

    Bless your heart, sweet summer child.

  2. TimeForBeans420

    Boy I fucking hope he’s right.

  3. flyin_italian

    Fool me once: Shame on you

    Fool me twice: Shame on me

    Fool me thrice: Shame on both of us

    …also fuck the oilers, just cause.

  4. LionManMan

    I mean they never played on the same line, but it’s good that Ryan is optimistic.

  5. Babyblueyeti

    Lomberg potting 50 this year with huby on his wing?

  6. Armchair-Gm-Podcast

    The problem with huberdeau becoming elite again is that it likely puts us back in the mushy middle.

  7. Incoming player pumps up friend and teammate. Then surprise is palpable.

  8. Deep-Ad2155

    Lol, just coming for a cushy payday with no expectations

  9. Specialist-One-712

    Imagine if Huby turns it around but we still lose a lot, continuing the rebuild. Then he’s confident and playing reasonably well in 2027 with Parekh and Coronato and McKenna and Joe Iginla and Makar all doing the same.

    Win the cup in the first year of the new barn? Rebuild over.

  10. Republic-Of-OK

    Getting Lomberg back was such a gem this OS. Send cap money to guys who will give you a prime team culture, encourage both the vets and new guys alike, and keep making the team, at the very least, fun to be apart of while we continue to gather/develop assets in time for the new building.

  11. Rig-Pig

    New season, new hopes. I would love for him to get back in the groove. Remains to be seen but fingers crossed. Go Flames

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