@Flyers de Philadelphie

Voici ce qui s’est réellement passé avec Alexei Kolosov et les Flyers [Crossing Broad]

Je ne suis pas un lecteur habituel de CB mais je n’avais vu cette information rapportée nulle part ailleurs. Cela semble extrêmement contradictoire avec ce qui a été initialement rapporté concernant la façon dont les dirigeants des Flyers ont géré la situation.



  1. surviveseven

    What does being 23 have to do with anything? Bailey looks like shit in all this and good. « I’m definitely not apologizing, even though I exaggerated a thing that I don’t even know happened. » Then get out of here if you’re not going to own up to your bullshit.

  2. StubbornLeech07


    – Flyers offered to put Kolosov in same apartment complex as most of his teammates, Kolosov didn’t want roommate and chose to stay at different hotel. Flyers didn’t force him to stay in hotel.

    – Flyers were upfront and Kolosov knew he would only get a couple games and then spend the remaining time with development coaches on and off the ice.

    – Flyers acknowledge they didn’t have was a coach or a teammate who could speak the same language as Kolosov. Given when Kolosov arrived they couldn’t add anyone to the roster.

    – Flyers communicated to Kolosov that the organization planned for him to be the No. 1 goalie in the AHL in 2024-25 and that they would attempt to bring in a player or two who speak Russian to add a level of comfort for him as he continued to adapt to a North American lifestyle.

    – Kolosov never communicated to the team that he felt uncomfortable. Flyers only became aware through his representatives.

    – The Flyers are in constant communication with his agents and remain optimistic that Kolosov will come to training camp, even though he did not come to development camp earlier this month.

    – Kolosov has not asked to terminate contract, those reports are inaccurate. Kolosov nor his representatives have told the Flyers he doesn’t plan to report, which is why the Flyers are optimistic he will return.

    – There is thought that Kolosov is frustrated how he was handled compared to how Fedotov was handled, going straight to the NHL and getting a new contract.

  3. realdeal411

    I think the issue is that the reporter (and fans) took everything as fact right away without any context or backstory. It kind of snowballed from there

  4. Micksar

    This Kolosov story was exactly what the perma-haters needed in late July. I try not to live life in an echo chamber, but I had to unfollow a decent amount of twitter accounts after this one.

    We’ve become a fanbase so blinded by hate and frustration that we can so easily convince ourselves that living in a hotel for a month is a form of medieval torture.

  5. Yeah go back in the original thread about Koslov here and it was a bunch of people mad about Konecny just finding another thing to bash the org for.

    The whole story was so fishy from the start. Koslov isn’t owed any playing time by the organization. Right now, Ersson and Fedotov have 1 and 2 locked down and rightfully so. But Koslov will definitely have a shot to win that position. Fedotov had plenty of history to back up his play and Koslov did not, which is why Fedotov got the treatment he did.

    I don’t really think the Flyers did anything wrong here. What Koslov went through seems like par for the course for most young NHL prospects or even prospects in any of the major sports.

    He isn’t Michkov or Fedotov.

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