@Jets de Winnipeg

Les Jets devraient-ils acquérir Patrik Laine et qu’est-ce que l’analyse du hockey ?

Quelqu’un a demandé alors c’est parti !

J’évoque l’ajout de Laine aux Jets et toutes les complications qui l’entourent.

Je continue également notre série d’analyses sur le hockey.

Comme toujours, les questions, suggestions et réflexions sont appréciées.



  1. CaptGinB

    He’s been impacted by physical and mental health issues that have been worked on. There is no way to predict the on ice outcome of picking him up.

    As a fan who buys tickets to games, I say screw the analytics. This team has been a bit plain vanilla to cheer for despite their good record. I’d love to have a fan favorite come back for a movie made redemption story, even if it comes with significant risk.

  2. FurtherUpheaval

    Oh, the juice is certainly worth the squeeze!

  3. JuanMutanio

    The Jets needs a Laine-type player – a difference maker who can score at will when he’s really on… and Laine needs stability, familiarity and a home… which the Jets could have. The fans will go fucking ballistic if he steps back on the ice wearing a Jets jersey. Get it done Chevy.

  4. Asusrty

    Unless it’s for a 2nd round pick and the Jackets eat half his salary I’d steer clear.

  5. illegiblepenmanship

    There are few plays in the NHL that compare to the Laine goalie stare down at the top of the circle.

  6. CouncilOfFive

    No we don’t need an injury prone, inconsistent, one dimensional scorer who’s almost 30yrs old just because he was a fan favorite.
    The team needs someone with grit & and fire in their belly who can be a spark for the team. We need a player like Marchand, Dale Hunter, Kevin Dineen or Gary Roberts.

  7. 2peg2city

    We are still running the same PP as we did when it was him clapping bombs, if we refuse to change it might as well bring back the piece that made it work

  8. waitwhosaidthat

    I think the risk is worth it. As long as Columbus retains abit and the jets don’t sell the farm for him. He’s like Connor, can go on hot and cold streaks.

  9. bforce1313

    I think and hope that if it does happen that Patty feels loved and relived. Only want the best for him!

  10. ProjectNAKO

    Could Connor or Laine step into the third line so that line could have some finishing power (as long as we remove Appleton)? Also to spread out the defensive woes of Scheifele, Connor, and Laine? Or would that be a bad plan?

  11. Igglith

    Before the draft I said buy low on Laine and sell high on Connor. I stand by that. That’s how I see him fitting. Ehlers takes the top line spot, Laine takes the spot of Ehlers. I also think the only way to get away with trading Connor from a PR side of things is to bring in Laine the same day (in a different trade).

  12. He’s incredibly fun to watch and it would be excellent fan service. If they want more butts in seats, it’s a great move.

    I care way more about the « eye test » than about what the analytics say — although I acknowledge that analytics are likely very important for teams brass when making player decisions. As a fan, though, I’m not really interested. I’d rather just watch the games without worrying about stats to that degree. I get that it’s a very important part of it for some fans, so you do you.

  13. whiskybean

    50% retention and we can talk

    ANYTHING less than that, or more going back to CLB, I don’t think so

    I like laine and hope the best for him, not sure the fit is there. We already have a few pieces we are going to complain about not getting a shot, I say we start there first

  14. h0twired

    Too much of a wildcard at the current salary cap hit. Columbus would need to retain quite a bit for me to feel good about it.

  15. PegExPat

    I think the one thing that no one has mentioned yet is that Laine would have to want to be here. If he does, then he could have an incredible year working to get back to what he does best. If he doesn’t want to be here, there’s no point…

  16. AcockyThrowaway

    is patrick laine dubstep or brostep and what is brostep

  17. Dry-Violinist-8434

    I think he was young and foolish. I also think people can change. He could be great for us. Worth the risk.

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