@Rangers de New York

Lindgren re-signe 1 x 4,5M

Lindgren re-signe 1 x 4,5M



  1. DazzlingDrama4549

    Given that it’s only a one-year extension it’s easier to be okay with it.

  2. obvioussponge06

    Smells like saving cap space for next summer

    Everyone who hates this deal, I guarantee you a million times over you’d hate what we’d have to give up for his replacement this season even more

  3. Jamesgorm123

    It’s too much money but I’m so happy we get one more year of his cyborg heart and soul. Let’s get him a cup in his final year here.

  4. DekexelDragon55

    That’s fine if he’s walking next year

  5. vertigounconscious

    this is a fine deal. we don’t commit term, we have the cap to spend this year and it leaves us flexible next year.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a piece in a larger deadline deal for a more stable piece. If Lindgren and Trouba are moved that leaves a ton of flexbility to re-work our defense with Key/Fox/Schneider as the core

  6. PaulSach

    One year prove it deal. Wasn’t great last year. Needs to rebound to show he’s worth term and $$

    Nice piece of business from Drury.

  7. DrFrocktopus

    Good contract, money is higher than you’d like but they have the space this year and it’s more of a favor to keep Fox happy. Walk Lindgren to UFA and let another team overpay for a guy who’ll be perennially injured.

  8. Carlo201318

    This is a good move for the rangers . Lindgren plays hard as he always does. And you see how his body holds up after another year of all the punishment it usually takes worst comes to worst he’s gone after next year.

  9. jeffschiller

    1 year means he’s probably not staying long-term, which might mean Fox/Miller get a chance, finally!

  10. InevitableHome343

    I love Lindgren for who he is, and his heart.

    Not his legs, or bruised body as a whole.

    He’s a warrior but his play style doesn’t bode well to a long term contract on THIS team. If we did, it would be Danny g / marc staal 2.0

  11. Mediocre-Stick6820

    How could anyone hate this deal? It’s perfect for one year.

  12. MyNameIsLegend

    That is a lot for 1 year considering the big fall off in his play from the year prior. If this sets the floor for a future extension, I really don’t want any part of it even if he does have a bounce back. You just can’t trust him to be able to play at 100% for the next 3-4 years, and his play is already starting to decline.

    From another perspective, considering it’s a pre-arbitration deal it could be a situation where they negotiated to give him more this year in exchange for a cheaper extension when our space get tighter. Say for example it’s a $4.5M+$4Mx3 year extension, when he potentially would have gotten $3.5M in arb and then something like $4.5Mx3 in FA/market value. Don’t think that’s likely, but it’s a possibility I suppose.

    End of the day, see if he can stay healthy and plays well in those minutes. If not, start to look at finding a young-ish top 4 LHD you can slot in his place. Could even flip Lindgren for pieces in that trade.

  13. Ok_Action_5938

    1 year deal will give him some incentive to keep his head up and not turn his back and make himself prone to boarding.

  14. nofier27

    Love this deal. Not making the same mistake we did with Girardi and Staal where you sign physical defensemen to long term deals and they fall off early in the contract. Great guy and tons of heart but hope he’s gone after this year.

  15. Drury listens to Blueshirts Breakaway confirmed

  16. E_712064

    Shame, I thought the black eye deserved an extra 500k to round off. Maybe next time lil guy.

  17. TheIncredibleHork

    This lends credibility to the idea that Lindgren will not be here beyond next season, which sucks. Dude is a heart and soul warrior for the team and leaves everything (including body parts) on the ice.

    But if the team is going to make it to the next level, hell if they’re going to be able to afford the pieces of the future with Laffy, Miller, and Igor next year, hard decisions will have to be made and this is going to be one of them.

    For what it’s worth, it’s a good contract for this year. We’ll still have a mil and change in cap space, that’ll work out to what, $4 mil for the trade deadline?

    I am excited by the opportunity this presents, with a Fox – Miller pairing in the future. Also frees up space to see who the next D-man up from Hartford will be, maybe Robertson, maybe Scanlon.

  18. Shiny_Mew76

    Happy with a 1Y term. If he improves, we can just re-sign him if possible, but it’s not the end of the world if he’s a liability.

  19. Stonewall30NY

    Honestly that’s a little higher than I expected for him but I can’t imagine he’ll be with us after that contract ends

  20. Dysliptic

    Damn people shitting on him, I guess you guys wants to run every player out of town

  21. Key-Tip-7521

    This is a smart deal. His body is likely gonna breakdown and Drury knows from the whole Dan Girardi experience. Give him this type of deal and let him go next summer

  22. leewardtide

    Love that we bash him and act like he’s not an integral part of this team.

    …then the second he’s injured and we start losing we’re like WAIT TILL HE GETS BACK. WE NEED HIM. EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE.

    Our record with him in the lineup Vs without shows his value to the team.

    Injuries aside – there are far more injury prone defensemen out there. Yes he will miss a SOME games, and yes he’s a Dan Girardi 2.0, but we are not even far enough down that path with Lindgren to really be this down on him already.

    Be thankful for what we have.

  23. Mac-the-ice

    That’s a contract with a traffic sign on it. One Way

    He will be part of a package for something.

  24. twokinkysluts

    This is a solid deal for the organization. Good job Drury.

  25. Additional_Hat_5825

    Get rid of MILLER. Lindgren has heart he has none.

  26. Formisonic

    Wasn’t it possible to go through arbitration and elect for two years? I didn’t want to get caught up in something like 5 years, but 2 could have been a great fit.

    A couple hundred grand too high, but whatever. It’s fine for a year.

  27. iamtheyeti311

    This is a Prove to us that last season was a fluke and you don’t suck.

    I don’t expect to see him after this year.

  28. jkman61494

    Next year is full stop a Cup or bust year. It’s clear 2025-26 is going to be a pain year. Igor , Laffy and Miller extensions are clearly being accounted for the fact Lindgren, Smith and Quick are all on expiring contracts. Kakko too. Trouba will be gone.

    We’ll have 4-7 roster spots for kids to by and large fill in for 25-26 as we wait for Panarins $11M to come off the books

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