@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Les Sénateurs espèrent que les changements leur permettront de participer aux séries éliminatoires de 2025

Ottawa a été assez occupé cette intersaison et pourrait faire un ou deux autres mouvements avant le début de la prochaine saison. Rejoignez cette chaîne pour avoir accès aux avantages : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_AFyA9FqrZ57bb9QRH77wg/join Rejoignez-nous sur notre discord pour discuter de hockey, discuter avec d’autres pendant le match, partager des photos d’animaux de compagnie et plus encore. https://discord.gg/thehockeyguy Commandez des maillots chez Ben H Sports tout en économisant 10 % sur les prix indiqués sur eBay en lui envoyant un e-mail concernant les maillots que vous repérez dans ses annonces. ben.hoogenband@yahoo.ca Dites-lui simplement que Shannon vous a envoyé. Soutenez The Hockey Guy via Patreon https://www.patreon.com/thehockeyguy https://www.facebook.com/youtubehockeyguy/ Instagram : thgshannon et thg_cats Spoutible : https://spoutible.com/TheHockeyGuy TheHockeyGuy.yt@gmail.com Contactez-moi par courrier postal à : The Hockey Guy PO Box 13063 RPO Highstreet Abbotsford, BC V2S 0C4 CANADA Aux États-Unis : il nous faut parfois quelques semaines pour y arriver. Shannon Skanes 1125 Fir Avenue Suite 119 Blaine, WA 98230


  1. I am hoping that this team is at least competing for a wild card spot during the last quarter of the season.

  2. I love my team, i cheer for them no matter what but i got a good feeling going into this season i think we can make it

  3. Stutzle put up a career high in assists last year with an injured wrist. I think he’ll take a step next year. I’d be impressed but not surprised if he hits 100 points in a healthy season.

  4. Kubalik didn't do well in Ottawa compared to his Detroit production. Where do you see him ending up?

  5. Can't look at this in a vacuum. The 2024/25 Kanata Centurions might be better than the 2023/24 Kanata Centurions, but other teams in their Conference made more significant improvements. Also, beware of Bruins bearing goalie gifts.

  6. Every team wants to make the post season.
    No team is going into a season hoping that everyone has a fun time and just tries their best.
    If Ottawa goes in, who's going to fall out of the race?
    Tampa, Florida,Toronto, Boston??
    Will the Devils still miss out ??
    No need to worry about Buffalo or Montreal.

    We need to be realistic here

  7. They will be better than last season if they stay health. But the division is the strongest one. fighting for a wild card is more reasonable .

  8. That 2017 sens team was one of my favorites prime Bobby Ryan Prime Karlsson prime Hoffman(pre-Karlsson beef) as a person who didn’t have a dog in the fight the 2017 playoffs were super entertaining

  9. I lived in Ottawa's East end for 5 years and only went to 1 Sens game (Im a Leafs fan). Granted 3 of those 5 years were Covid SO EVERYTHING KEEP OPENING AND CLOSING but yeah as someone who lived in the east end and had to go to the west end for Sens games it was a NIGHTMARE. There's only one bus that goes to the arena and it was 20 minutes late plus traffic so I actually didnt get into the arena till almost the second period. Granted I went first week of the season so maybe its a "im not used to this" thing but why the heck does Ottawa only have 1 bus to the arena one time (forty minutes before puck drop) when that bus was standing room only as there are tons of fans that take transit to avoid the drive going east to west.

  10. I think it's going to depend on their goaltending. If Ullmark plays as well as he did in Boston, I think Ottawa will be hard pressed to miss a playoff spot. Or at very least, they will be better, even if they don't make it to the playoffs.

  11. Don't see the playoffs happening but I do see them having more points in the standings than last year.

  12. This season will be interesting for sure. I am PRAYING for playoffs, but the optimism I had in summers past is gone. I hope Andlauer and Staios have made the right mix cause I don't know how much more disappointment I can take

  13. My guess is that I think, Tkachuck and Stutzle will be around 95 -100 points this year combined. And for the playoffs, They really don't have an option this year lol. The depth is there. And this is my prediction for there starting lineup… I

    Tkachuck Stutzle Giroux
    Perron Norris Bathersson
    Greig Pinto Amadio
    Gregor Ostapchuck Macewen

    Sanderson Zub
    Chabot Jenson
    Kleven Bernard- Docker


  14. The Ullmark trade is by far the biggest change. Last year we lost so many game just because Fourpisalo couldn't stop a beach ball.

  15. It's bizarre but the lack of depth of left-handed D has all of sudden become a concern. I'm not that worried about the right-side now with Zub, Jensen, JBD and even Hamonic. Last season we had Chabot, Sandy, Chychrun and Branny not to mention Kleven ready down in Belleville. All LHD. Now the left-side looks like Chabby, Sandy and Kleven (provided he makes the team out of camp). If Chabot goes down with injury, that side becomes a concern quickly.

  16. New coach and proven No.1 in net ought to move the needle upward, provided Ullmark doesn’t pull a something or other his first practice.

  17. Chris Kunitz absolutely destroyed the Sens organization.
    As a Pens fan, that was by far the most frustrating series to watch during the 2 cup years. That series with OTT was the only one in those 2 years where i thought we were in serious grave danger of losing.

  18. NHL: lets suspend Pinto 41 games for gambling
    Also NHL: we will suspend Trouba 1 game for taking a guy’s head off.

  19. I mean they gotta be better with Ullmark. how many goals did the goalies from last season let in on the very first shot of the game last season?

  20. Sanderson/zub were one of the best defensive pairs last season analytically, i think adding jensen will give chabot the stable, responsible defensive partner he needs on his right to thrive. If kleven can make that 3rd pair LHD spot out of camp that will be a good add, jbd was decent last year, with plenty of room for improvement, and hamonic will be there to teach kleven the ways of being a physical d man in the NHL. Pairing chychrun with chabot was not sustainable, both have serious defensive warts and need a responsible partner to have their backs, not to mention one having to play their off wing, which makes it even more challenging. There are lots of prospects who have promise regardless of their draft position, and i can see a player like stephen halliday breaking out and earning a spot on the top 6 in Ottawa by the end of the season, as well as probably most of a season of ostapchuk in Ottawa as 4C(in my eyes, he's one of those players who teams seek out when they are trying to win. Super high compete and hates nothing more than the other team having the puck on their sticks). I think the sens have a better mix this year than in years past, but only time will tell. I cannot waot to see playoff brady

  21. Really hoping Ottawa breaks the drought and is in playoffs this year. Almost all remnants of Melnick years are out. So should be good to go. Strong start out of the gates is gonna be key. And not playing catch up all season.

  22. I can sadly see this team being on the out looking in, but barely missing by like one or two points, similar to Detroit last year.
    Furthermore, Staios has collected not only the right pieces for this team, but quality ones at that, so there is reason for optimism. Either way, looking forward to seeing how Ottawa performs this season.

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