@Ligue nationale de hockey

Ovechkin révèle son habitude de boire de la bière après le match

Ovechkin révèle son habitude de boire de la bière après le match



  1. DrDrangleBrungis

    Why is this news? I just think all players have a drink if they want to.

  2. Doc_L0Liday

    Post game beers just hit different.

  3. hrryyss

    Ovi talking like he’s a Supreme Court justice.

  4. Ovi so good that the NHL are his beer league games.

  5. nickkkk777

    To be in peak athletic form like ovi I will start drinking 3 beers after work every day

  6. Z-Diddy

    and this is news why? It’s literally been a thing in the NHL for eons… since basically inception?

  7. EweCantTouchThis

    Crosby does the same thing, but prefers wine coolers.

  8. Witty217




  9. The_Wata_Boy

    My neighbor has done this everyday after work for 40 years. Dude is savage and the beer is his reward for a hard days work.

  10. fatwhistleporker

    I used to played handball with a group of German guys who legitimately thought after practice/game beers were an important part of athletic recovery. Like it balanced out their electrolytes or something.

  11. tucci007

    « Win or lose, we drink the booze. » -traditional NHL players’ slogan

  12. justino

    Probably helps with the come down from the Russian Gas also.

  13. whatisapillarman

    Imagine a victory beer after an NHL hatty

  14. CauliflowerWarm4165

    This is good news, now I feel better about drinking hella beers after my beer league games

  15. amateurexpertboxing

    We all knew it, but confirming it is awesome.

  16. Cottagewknds

    He’s Russian. Alcohol is their blood.

  17. Nonzerob

    I’m now convinced he was pregaming early in the season and in the playoffs. Maybe Kuch did, too, for the All Star skills competition.

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