@Capitals de Washington

Est-ce que c’est juste moi ou cette histoire de Laine qui devient incontrôlable ? J’ai l’impression que l’ajustement est au mieux inférieur à la moyenne après que nous ayons ajouté Mangiapane et Dubois à l’intersaison, tout en nous attendant à ce que McMichael ait des minutes dans le top 6

Est-ce que c’est juste moi ou cette histoire de Laine qui devient incontrôlable ? J’ai l’impression que l’ajustement est au mieux inférieur à la moyenne après que nous ayons ajouté Mangiapane et Dubois à l’intersaison, tout en nous attendant à ce que McMichael ait des minutes dans le top 6



  1. KoolDiscoDan

    I chalk it up to being slow. They gotta talk about *something i*n the middle of the summer.

    It’s better than RMNB covering the Flyer’s rookie throwing out the first pitch of a baseball game in Philly.

  2. Head_of_Lettuce

    If this trade gets done, McMichael is likely part of the package going back to Columbus.

    Why is the fit sub par? If Laine joins the team, he’s immediately the best forward on the roster. 

  3. _Magnolia_Fan_

    It’s something to talk about in the off-season. He’s not coming to the caps. 


    Anyone who is putting McMichael in the top6 hasn’t been paying attention to him. He’s a solid 3rd liner but he shouldn’t be in the top 6. 

  5. Meatwood__Flak

    This guy is a doofus. “Is there any smoke to this fire?” Uh, no Holmi — that expression is the other way around.

    Also, the Caps just offloaded one headcase (#92) and were lucky to get rid of the salary they had to eat, now that he’s playing back in Russia.

    It’s hard for me to envision bringing in another high-salary headcase, particularly if Columbus wants McMichael in return. I think the kid is going to have a breakout year.

  6. Joshottas

    CMcM in the top-6? WHAT? lol. Yall are insane or just drinking the kool-aid from that blog.

  7. Exeter232

    I remember when this guy was drafted by Winnipeg and a national sports network setup interview with him at his home in Finland. Now it was 6 am when they called him, but he did the interview while laying in bed in his PJ’s. The interviewer was low key making fun of the situation, but it was weird to say the least. I knew at that point that strange things were going on in his head. He fulfilled the prophecy.

  8. BruceTheSpruceMoose

    We’ve got a glut of centers so if McMichael goes to fit in a good winger, I can live with that. He was our best prospect for so long we tend to overrate him a bit. He’s 23 with a realistic ceiling of high end 3rd line center. Laine is 26 and is a presumptive top 6 winger. I think it’s a good deal for us.

    That said, locked on capitals isn’t much of a source. Dude just regurgitates click bait with less thoughtful analysis than most of the people who post on here. I wouldn’t take it too seriously.

    Edit: to be clear, Columbus would need to retain a shit load of salary for this to make any sense.

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