@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Tableau des champions des Canes

Hier soir, je suis allé dans le vestiaire des Canes avant le spectacle de Blink 182 pour un événement qu’ils avaient organisé.

J’ai vu le tableau et je me demandais à quoi il servait. Il se trouvait juste à côté des racks à squat/racks de banc. Est-ce que quelqu’un le sait ?



  1. dragons_fire77

    I can’t remember if it’s that chart specifically, but I think it’s all-around who wins in their exercise competitions. They take into account things like average sustained above resting heart-rate to see how much effort everyone is putting in

  2. Dorkymusichero

    I’m jealous. We were trying to go, but people we asked seemed to not know what we were talking about.

  3. tehxwilk

    I would love to get some of those canes plates. Damn, what a flex for the home gym.

  4. Gullible-Wash-8141

    Damn, I was at the concert and couldn’t find where they were taking people into the locker room

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