@Canadiens de Montréal

[Mark Divver] Logan Sawyer, un choix de troisième ronde de Montréal, qui devait jouer une autre année chez les juniors, débutera plutôt sa carrière dans la NCAA au Providence College en 2024-25. Il a été sur le campus et a patiné avec certains de ses nouveaux coéquipiers ces dernières semaines. En 2006, il a récolté 78 points en 59 matchs pour les Brooks Bandits.

[Mark Divver] Logan Sawyer, un choix de troisième ronde de Montréal, qui devait jouer une autre année chez les juniors, débutera plutôt sa carrière dans la NCAA au Providence College en 2024-25. Il a été sur le campus et a patiné avec certains de ses nouveaux coéquipiers ces dernières semaines. En 2006, il a récolté 78 points en 59 matchs pour les Brooks Bandits.



  1. Seb_Nation

    Interesting decision, Providence is a fine team and I guess Sawyer’s looking to get a head start and play meaningful minutes ahead of Connelly and Mustard’s arrival the following year. On the flip side is he ready? Guess we’ll see it soon.

  2. shbpencil

    Impressive numbers considering the whole Bandits / AJHL divorce could have derailed a lot for a lot of guys.

  3. FakeCrash

    Somebody please tell me how to feel about this. I’m too ignorant to form my own opinion.

  4. Longshanks123

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but players who go the AJHL and BCHL route often do so to keep themselves NCAA eligible. Under current rules (which are probably soon to change) players who play CHL are ineligible for NCAA because the NCAA regards the CHL financial allowance as professional pay.

    So I’m assuming this guy never played CHL in order to allow himself to play in the American university system, which he now will do in Providence.

    Can’t speculate on why he wanted to skip CHL but several players have done the same, such as Alex Newhook. Probably an academically inclined person who wants an education as a back-up plan.

  5. hockeynoticehockey

    NCAA better in the long run for development, and there’s no need to rush any prospects on this team. Smart move. Literally.

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