@Flyers de Philadelphie

Les Devils viennent d’embaucher le vieux Chuck

Les Devils viennent d’embaucher le vieux Chuck



  1. worldxdownfall

    schadenfreude (noun)
    : enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others

  2. TARDIS32

    Could not have happened to a better team

  3. DH28Hockey

    It is borderline incomprehensible how someone can be that bad at their job and still find work again in the same field later down the road

  4. I have been sending laughing emojis to Devils fans for the past 20 minutes.

    Chuck Fletcher has ruined more hockey teams than alcohol and cocaine.

  5. RumboAudio

    I’m glad he’s with the Devils. I’m upset that this guy is allowed within a mile of a hockey rink.

  6. upcan845

    It’s always so funny when people on here deflect criticism of the Flyers by saying stuff like « Oh, you think you know more than Briere? Maybe you should send your resume to Comcast if you think you’re so smart! »

    Not only does the NHL hire idiots to be in front offices, but they *re-hire* them. It does not take a genius to realize when a GM is bad at his job. Fletcher has been a terrible GM twice, do Devils fans need to trust the « Senior Advice » that he’ll now be providing to their team?

  7. BeefTacoTheMusical

    Alright, Danny. Now’s your chance to offload Risto. Do it. Do it. Do it.

  8. Euphoric-Dig-2045

    Well, one less team to worry about this season.

  9. JohnnyCandles

    Damn is there anything Briere can’t do?! This was his best move of the offseason!

  10. FollowerofACarpenter

    Yes, Chuck. Rasmus Ristolainen for Jack Hughes IS a fair trade.

  11. Critical-Fault-1617

    Chuck Fletcher fucking sucks. Signed a Wild fan.

  12. Steppyjim

    They were so close to getting out of their rut too.

    Hope for their sake the devils win in the next year because the house of cards is about to collapse

  13. KnowMeAs727

    So…. He will finally be helping the Flyers …. Great signing

  14. HugeNegotiation9884

    Better the Devils than our boys

  15. Narrow_Book_42069

    I just need to get my foot in the door and then, I, too, can fail upwards into hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.

  16. dgood527

    How does this guy keep getting jobs? It makes no sense

  17. ButchyBoyz

    LMAO! Maybe the Flyers will make the playoffs.


    Imagine seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for your team’s rebuild… only for them to hire Chuck Fletcher.

    The best comedy writes itself.

  19. No_Bank_330

    That is one less team to worry about in the Metro.

  20. EarthBelcher

    The NHL is never going to grow when they keep hiring the same fuckers to every damn team

  21. DanTreview

    Jesus Jackfucking Christ, Fletcher must have like hours of videos of Bettman being peed on by Russian hookers on his phone, or something. How this guy is still bouncing around the league is mind-boggling

  22. ManBearPig037

    “The Devils have 0 picks in rounds 1 and 2 of the upcoming 5 drafts”

  23. RebuildFletcher

    He seems to be well connected, otherwise he wouldn’t have gotten a job after absolutely destroying two franchises back to back with sheer incompetence.

  24. ShainRules

    How do you own a team that co-habitats with this guy and end up hiring him?

  25. jlando40

    I can hear Steve Dangle screaming from here he hates chucky boy too

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