@Islanders de New York

À votre avis, quel est le pire maillot des Islanders de tous les temps ?

À votre avis, quel est le pire maillot des Islanders de tous les temps ?



  1. Immortal_blood9

    It’s the Mets colors jersey for me I don’t like the number placement on the jerseys

  2. RepresentativeOfnone

    Fisherman followed by RR fisherman, followed by normal crest on the sweaters with teal and then those black islanders ones then the last stadium series

  3. Thrice-Thrice-Thrice

    Orange alternatives were fire get them out of this discussion.

    In my opinion the black jerseys are ugliest by far. Stadium series is fine for a stadium series jersey lol. Bottom left is also fine too, not my fav but they’re fine. Orange is fire

  4. 1. Halloween

    2. Orange

    3. Bottom Left

    4. 2024 Stadium Series

    5. 2021 Reverse Retro

  5. shockwave-315

    Black. Every time Black. This will never change. 🤢🤮

  6. olah711

    Top left, too much black without doing anything interesting with thr space other than horizontal letters

  7. Kzx45uH3nz

    – The black one is so ugly that I kind of have to like it.

    – The orange one is also fairly ugly but at least it was trying something new.

    – The bottom left ones are just eh but honestly I don’t hate the dark blue especially because it reminds me of the earlier 2000-04 jerseys I grew up on.

    – The ISLES jerseys are honestly nice. The colors seem to look a lot better in some photos than others.

  8. poopdick72

    Top left and top right are equally as horrible

  9. EfficiencyHuge1946

    The Fisherman. Anyone who lives through that era understands there’s no other answer. Anyone young enough not to have endured those years of misery just doesn’t get it fully.

  10. ramen_sukidesu

    Capt Highliner jersey was the worst. Players specifically asked the NYI to be on their no trade list because of those jersey’s

  11. How is the fisherman not in this photo? That’s the answer and it’s not close.

  12. FigSideG

    Top left closely followed by bottom left

  13. yankfan2426

    Top left, even Dipietro on his radio show says how the players hated it and whenever they saw it in the lockers they knew they were gonna lose that night

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