@Canadiens de Montréal

Aatos Koivu surpris de recevoir des messages privés sur Instagram de la part des fans de Montréal après le repêchage (Vidéo – TSN)

Aatos Koivu surpris de recevoir des messages privés sur Instagram de la part des fans de Montréal après le repêchage (Vidéo – TSN)



  1. OnlineEgg

    first time hearing him speak, very charismatic young man! i can see why they chose him

  2. guy_smiley66

    Aho and Saku are great players to emulate.

  3. simonlegosu

    It’s too bad that a lot of these great kids won’t make it. It feels like they all deserve it.

  4. Kharn_LoL

    I was about to comment on how shocking it is that he is surprised, his dad was the captain for years and he was loved here – and then I realized that Saku left Montréal before Aatos was three so he has no memory of it.

    Now I feel old.

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