@Capitals de Washington

Classez chaque maillot Screaming Eagle du meilleur au pire

Classez chaque maillot Screaming Eagle du meilleur au pire



  1. kgunnar

    There’s technically 5. There’s white versions with and without the “CAPITALS” text.

  2. ulfjustulf

    Black, white, red, blue

    Those are also my least favorite Kolzig pads he ever wore

  3. Professional-Luck795

    I just like the black and the white ones

  4. Big_Daddy_Herbie

    Black, white, blue, red

    For me the RR2.0s hit the mark so well for me. The capitol building jersey is my all time favorite caps jersey, but the black screagle really gave it a run for it’s money.

    Honestly, the capitol building sweater in red white and blue might go hard but I really didn’t care for the screagle in red.

  5. Accomplished-Fuel635

    Red should be on the bottom of everyone’s list I’m sorry

    Black blue white red

  6. Black – should be our alts till the rebrand

  7. Colliewolliewuzabear





    It should be noted that I love them all tho

  8. Narrow_Book_42069

    Black. I’m a diehard flyers fan and I scope constantly for that jersey. One of the best ever made, man.

  9. Black white blue red

    I stand on this hill!

  10. Ill_Animator3907

    Reverse retro reds are top notch. Cannot be beat. Will die happily on this hill

  11. FroggyBaby

    I love them all equally like my children.

  12. formerdaywalker

    Sometimes the only way to win is to not play.

  13. kjhealey

    Worst, worst, worst, and worst. Sorry, never liked em.

  14. Red, black, blue, white. Caps will always be a red team and anything without it is just not the same.

  15. AdjectiveNoun4318

    Red is just OK. The rest…straight to jail.

  16. Flumpski

    Blue white black red. Everything else is wrong

  17. EnvironmentalOkra728

    Black and Red, Blue, White

  18. Duck_Caught_Upstream

    Flames fan. Had this pop up as a suggested. I honestly love all of these.

    As an outsider I’d love for these to just be the regular jerseys for the Capitals?

    Curious, what do the 5 stars represent?

  19. wikipuff

    Blue, Black, White, Red. I said it. Deal with it. Loved Kolzig pads from this time

  20. CartelClarke

    Reds are iconic for obvious reasons

    White is my personal favorite.

    The other 2.. take ‘em or leave ‘em.

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