@Ligue nationale de hockey

À quel point un joueur comme Eric Lindros se débrouillerait-il dans la LNH d’aujourd’hui ?

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  1. xizrtilhh

    I think he would do well. Not only was he big, he was also a good, fast skater. He was also a skilled player who could hit. He used to bodycheck with possession of the puck in junior. Without the injuries his career would have been at another level.

  2. CarpinTheDiems

    Mr never learned to skate with his head up would have a longer career in with the head contact rules that are now in place.

  3. Both_Woodpecker_6806

    Who would crush it, instead of getting crushed. Still one of my favorite players.

  4. pangaea1972

    Trouba would end his comeback in one game.

  5. Expert-Lock-6751

    He’d dominate if he didn’t play against Trouba, who is the one guy I think of that would go Scott Stevens on him.

    He was his own worst enemy, going back to Team Canada and Oshawa he skated with his head down never thinking of protecting himself because he was always the biggest bitch on the ice.

  6. AbbreviationsFun8591

    He’d be kicking ass and taking names!

  7. Slappy_Mcslapnuts

    Probably a lot better with no players like Stevens around.

  8. No-Material-23

    With no Scott Stevens in the league, he’d be ok.

  9. He could probably play on a 4th line somewhere, 2 line for the leafs. Should QB the 2nd PP, probably put up 10-15 points. He’s not young anymore

  10. Itwasinin04

    If I could drop any player from any era into today’s game it would be Lindros. Dude would be a goddamn force. I would love to see it.

  11. 5599Nalyd

    He wouldn’t be nearly as effective in today’s game. People view him as a « victim » of the old style hockey (i.e. Scott Stevens hit.) But his play was largely centered around being extremely dirty and he would be suspended into oblivion nowadays.

  12. WoodpeckerfromMars40

    He’d be a Hall of famer. Just like he was in his time, never been another like him before or since

  13. MartiniAfternoon

    He would absolutely dominate. No question.

  14. LemmySixx

    If Trouba didnt get him Tom Wilson would be coming in high

  15. Objective_Gear_8357

    Tom Wilson with top 10 offensive skills. He’d dominate 

  16. bigtuck604

    Be unstoppable. Couldn’t hold onto him

  17. JoelManuelV1

    Guys like him, Teemu Selänne, Paul Kariya, Peter Forsberg, Pavel Bure and I dare to add Saku Koivu to the conversation would EASILY dominate today’s NHL. They were really ahead of their time.

  18. ghdtyjksbjt

    Incredible, he was dubbed the “next one” for a reason, but concussions derailed his career unfortunately

  19. kschischang

    Auston Matthews is a reasonable comp, no? Size/skill wise?

  20. Sea-Wash7005

    Lindros would be in the McDavid, Matthews, Mack, Makar, etc~
    Category of players in the league right now.


    My tier list would look like

    Generational, Franchise altering, Elite all star talent, Top line threat, Above average, Average, Bottom lines producer, Borderline AHL talent , ship him to Europe

  21. redditdubs_

    Malkin+ type level. 90s hockey was gritty.

  22. CartelClarke

    If Getzlaf and Wilson had a baby it would be named Eric Lindros.

    Like it or not, Lindros revolutionized the game. In his prime he was not only the best player in the world, he was the most unique player in the world.

    Prime cut short.

  23. Curious_Raise8771

    A giant dude with a scoring touch and a mean streak who could cross over the center of the ice with impunity?

    He’d be dropping 200 points a season.

  24. Joe_Beavis

    Concussed. He couldn’t keep his head on a swivel.

  25. ExtensionDebate8725

    You gotta keep your head up

  26. ksyoung17

    90s and early 00’s power forwards would crush in today’s game.

  27. Scissors4215

    Not as good as McDavid but probably the second best player in the NHL.

  28. Snow-Wraith

    He’d be another Pierre Luc Dubois, demanding to be traded every year.

  29. krazyellinas23

    He’d be the best player in the league 

  30. AmeriCanadian98

    Guy I’d love to see in today’s hockey is Fedorov. Imagine Marner but a center who is even better defensively and a world class skater

    (Also the drip is unmatched)

  31. oilers-Man

    Depends if he stays injury prone

    If he was in todays NHL i’d say he’d be better than McDavid and this is coming from an Oilers fan no joke he’d be better but if he is injury prone maybe not even better than Crosby in his prime.

    Depends if he can stay healthy or not in todays league

  32. Sabresfan70

    Not much different than when he played. He’d still be a pu$$y. 🤣

  33. SolutionDangerous889

    People dont wanna hear this but Landeskog is everything Lindros would me and then some

  34. Dull_Alps1832

    A guy built like Lindros with his amount of skill would dominate in any era of the sport. Some guys are just pure hockey players, and he’s one of them.

  35. Formisonic

    He’d be a beast, of course. He would also have the same physiology, and still be prone to head injury. His legacy would be pretty much the same as it was, imo.

  36. Separate_Flamingo_93

    Million dollar body. 10 cent head.

  37. Ok_Mess6995

    He’d dominate! Eric Lindros May have been the perfect prototype for the modern eras textbook, example of a power forward. He was built like an NFL linebacker, could skate extraordinarily well for such a big guy, could pass the puck off either the backhand or forehand, had the scoring capacities and hands of Guy Lafer and obviously, played a physical brand of hockey that was nasty. His only flaw an it was a fundamental and career ending flaw..he skated with his head down. It wasn’t a consideration of his as he was a freight train; while heading up ice especially when carrying the puck.. no one dared get in his path.. except for the NHL had Scott Stevens and in the playoffs, some late 90’s series against the Devil’s.. Stevens caught him with his head down, laid a clean, open-ice check, the worst hits usually are clean.. that brutalized and derailed the remainder of his certain H.O.F career. Not surprisingly, he retired earlier than he would have, because of the cumulative effect of at least ten diagnosed concussions.

  38. Whiskeylung

    Perfect hockey for him – keep your head up!

  39. Key-Sprinkles-3543

    Hey would be neutered and suspended into ineffectiveness by the league and modern day fans when he tried to lay his thunderous hits and crush people. Look at the outrage Rempe sparked in his limited exposure the first 15 games or so he played. (And I recognize they are not even close in terms of shooting/skating/passing skills)
    I loved early career Lindros and how he absolutely demolished people on a regular basis…now every hard or tough hit is met with instant hand wringing and outrage. Lindros would be vilified beyond belief in today’s soft hockey universe.

  40. ABucketOfSlugs

    He’d play one game against Trouba or Marchand and his career would be over again. The guy simply wasn’t tough enough to be a hockey player. Even Gretzky who by all rights was a fragile little wuss (with all due respect) looks tough in comparison to Lindros. Talent-wise he could dominate, but he would need to be on the ice with 4 enforcers and be rushed off the ice any time a rat or a goon stepped on

  41. Johnnysgotaproblem

    Eliminating the 2 line pass was one of the best things the nhl ever did.

  42. Narrow_Book_42069

    Take Tom Wilson and exponentially increase him 100x and then give him ridiculous hands.

    People have no idea how absolutely dominant and game changing Big E was. Eric is the fucking reason I fell in love with hockey. Pre-Stevens hit was some of the most insane hockey to watch, man.

    You can find videos of him on a face off draw just immediately going up and blowing up whoever he is across from and then literally doing what he wants. If you want to see power forward hockey, watch Big E. Unreal.

  43. egoVirus

    Dude would dominate, but only if he had rich parents…

  44. leafy-greens--

    He’d be about the same dominance he was during the peek of his career.

    …. Incredibly dominant.

  45. FredrikGard

    140+ point player, a menace in playoff hockey. If there’s a fantasy draft he’s guaranteed second choice after McDavid.

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