
Joueurs d’équipes inhabituelles : édition des Islanders de New York

Joueurs d’équipes inhabituelles : édition des Islanders de New York



  1. xmonk73

    I also want to give a shoutout to Todd McLellan who played 5 games with the Islanders in 1987-88. I wanted to put him in the list but I couldn’t find a picture of him on the Islanders.

    Here are the previous editions:
















    [Los Angeles](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1eczjx4/players_on_unusual_teams_los_angeles_edition/)




    [New Jersey](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1ehioqh/players_on_unusual_teams_new_jersey_edition/)

  2. Reggie_11

    You could have told me Kozlov played 4 seasons there and I would have believed it. Seemed like more than one year for some reason.

  3. penguins8766

    A couple of these clips remind me of just how terrible the Reebok Edge rebrand was in 2007-08 for a lot of teams. The Isles jersey from that period is god awful.

  4. Anxious-Reading-3678

    I feel like Vanek and Marc Bergevin are on half of these lists…

    Also, is it just me or does it look like Cliff Ronning is wearing equipment from 5 different teams in that photo.

  5. XGuiltyofBeingMikeX

    Condolences to Pandolfo for having to wear *that* jersey.

  6. That Ryan Smythe card is hilarious. My first thought was the orange looked right because it’s close enough to Edmonton, until you notice the logo. But then the banner says « Colorado Avalanche » and I’m like, make up your mind, Ryan.

  7. Repulsive-Minute-559

    You can do an edition with Vanek and Bergevin lol

  8. Hockeymask27_

    Vanek as an islander seems like something I should remember

  9. Caniac1017

    Reebok produced pure shit in Jersey designs. Holy shit some of these from 2008-2011 are flat out bad.

  10. trance1g

    It’s funny with Ryan smyth because it’s the same colors he wore forever just a different circular logo hahaha

  11. SauceHankRedemption

    Seems like mathieu Schneider is in like every one of these

  12. Devilishdozer

    Idk should Neiderreiter or Luongo be considered unusual considering they drafted both of them?

  13. Little-Aide-5396

    How was Zajac rocking a goatee with Lou in charge? Was it the playoffs?

  14. golfy_m8

    Kozlov and Filppula were actually super solid for the Isles.

  15. SomethingFoul

    Fascinating to see the NJD → NYI pipeline even before Lou made the move.

  16. SnowshoeTaboo

    Gotta admit, I look forward to this post daily! Thanks man.

  17. project305

    Should be noted that the Isles drafted Luongo and Niederreiter

  18. discofrislanders

    There’s a guy I know who has a podcast that covers « Weird Islanders, » so this is cool.

    Also, I cannot stress this enough, FUCK KIRK MULLER

  19. DFF_Canuck

    « Now with Islanders » written right on Brodeur’s hockey card is poetry.

  20. CaptainJingles

    Luongo is a weird one since I heavily associate him with the Islanders due to them developing him.

  21. xxfatpigxx

    I’m happy my boy Zajaculation signed his one day contract to retire a Devil, the guy was solid as they come during such a rough era of the team. Glad they did try to give him one more shot at the Cup with the Isles though that year. He deserved it as much as anybody.

  22. sharkterritory

    Evgeni Nabokov should be on this list

  23. Agreeable_Abroad_82

    My god, that Ronning helmet!

  24. Dull_Alps1832

    I had no idea that half of these guys played for the Islanders. I definitely don’t remember Corey Schneider, wtf that was a thing?

  25. JohnYCanuckEsq

    Wendel Clark should be on this list

  26. Conical

    It would have been entertaining to include Chara, since his one year stint before retiring was 60 years after his first stint.

  27. DonnieRoss

    Felix Potvin was an aesthetically pleasing goalie in every uniform he wore.

  28. Alternative-Cry3369

    Pierre-Marc Bouchard, 28 games

  29. 37Elite

    Definitely would have liked to see Andy Greene on here

  30. Barzal-13

    For fun it’s worth noting that both Carter Verhaeghe and Jared Spurgeon were also Islanders property at one point. Verhaeghe attended camp and played a few preseason games with the Isles after coming over in the Micheal Grabner trade and as well as some games for Bridgeport before being traded for Kristers Gudļevskis because they badly needed a starting goalie.


    Spurgeon was actually a rare gem find by us, we drafted him in the 6th round in 2008 but the Islanders used up his years of team control and never made a decision with him.

  31. cleofisrandolph1

    The fact that you didn’t include Trevor Linden is wrong. there is no man who looks worse in the Islander jersey than him.

  32. TheDeadReagans

    Luongo’s time with the Islanders:

    – Drafted 4th overall in 1997
    – Played 24 games in 1999-00
    – Traded to the Panthers so the Islanders could draft Rick DiPietro in 2000 off season. The trade was Luongo and Ollie Jokinen for Oleg Kvasha (that was the Panthers’ centerpiece in the deal) and Mark Parrish. Mark Parrish himself publicly has said he thought that was a terrible trade.

    Mike Milbury was so bad at his job that it should be illegal for him to ever watch hockey again.

  33. tom_servo99

    That one game he played for the Isles was Corey Schneider’s final game in the NHL

  34. AwesomeIslander918

    They really made a Corey Schneider Islanders hockey card after just one game.

  35. buckyhermit

    I’m surprised Trevor Linden didn’t make this list.

  36. EldraziAlbatross8787

    I think I was too hard on the Oilers orange jersey – the one Smyth is wearing here for the Islanders is truly revolting.

  37. replayer

    Potvin is the only one here that really feels weird to me. You should have included Wendel Clark and Ron Hextal.

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