@Rangers de New York

Classez les 5 derniers capitaines du pire au meilleur

Classez les 5 derniers capitaines du pire au meilleur



  1. Shamooooo

    In ability?

    1. Jagr
    2. McDonagh
    3. Drury/Callahan (i think this ones surprisingly close)
    5. Trouba (his first year was good and maybe its harsh but his recent play is just…rough,id probably have him third tho if we didnt count the past 2 years)

    In terms of leadership/heart?

    1. McDonagh
    2. Callahan
    3. Trouba
    4. Jagr
    5. Drury

    The top 3 for this category tbh are all pretty close and i could be convinced to reorder those in anyway

  2. Pretty sure Drury was injured through a majority of his time as captain 

  3. Mr-Dicklesworth

    1. Jagr

    2. Callahan

    3. Mcdonaugh

    4. Drury

    5. Trouba

  4. TheSwarm212

    People here not gonna make Trouba last cause he threw his helmet.

  5. nyrangerfan1

    Most dummies here are going to rank based on playing ability instead of what the role of captain means for a locker room. And while it can mean different things for different locker rooms, 100% of the time it’s not solely about playing ability.

    1. Callahan

    2. Trouba/McD – Trouba ahead of McD, because he’s clearly more vocal.

    3. Drury

    4. Jagr

    I have never once read anything about Jagr being a great leader and while Drury was, he came here too late to make an impact.

  6. Markreed1963

    Totally agree with the McD, Callie, and Jake as top 3. Obviously Jagr was the best player.

  7. chronicbruce27

    1: Jagr
    2: Callahan
    3: McDonagh
    *A wide chasm*
    4: Drury
    *The infinite void where only the darkest of cosmic horrors slumber*
    5: Trouba

  8. Rough_Visual3260

    I wish they never traded Callahan

  9. Holiday_General_4790

    Brad Richards should get an honorable mention for being the de facto captain during the 2014 playoff run. The only reason they didn’t give him the C was because they already knew they were going to use the one-time amnesty after the NHL changed the rules to stop the 10+ year contracts designed to circumvent the salary cap.

  10. iiKrOna

    My completely unbiased ranking

    1.Ryan Callahan

    2. Cally

    3. Captain Cally

    4. 26th captain in NYR history

    5. Mr. best dressed NYR Christmas Party ‘11

  11. Key-Tip-7521

    Mcdonagh, Callahan, Drury, Trouba, Jagr

    Callahan left and got over paid.

  12. NYR_LFC

    Anyone but Callahan as #1 is wrong. The rest have more wiggle room

  13. NickFotiu

    I hated Drury as a Ranger (Scott Gomez too). I’d take Cally.

  14. Krispyford

    Cally is first and Drury is last. Everything else is subjective.

  15. RhythmTimeDivision

    Callahan, Drury, Trouba, McDonagh and Jagr.

    I see a lot of high praise for McD who was an outstanding player – but that was not the question. He was WAY too soft to be an original 6 captain. He seemed to finally find a tough streak in Tampa, which really pissed me off.

  16. albynomonk

    Worst: Drury
    2nd Best: Trouba
    Best: Jagr

    Other two both sucked equally.

  17. Roogovelt

    We can rank them as players, but ranking them as captains probably requires an intimate understanding of the locker room that no randos on reddit have.

  18. Seeing this list reminds me of the struggles with the Rangers lineup over the last 20 years. Very few guys with the gravitas and longevity to be a captain on par with what a lot of other teams have.

  19. RZAxlash

    I’m ready for the downvotes but here we go

    1. Trouba. He’s the only guy on this list who has seemingly and openly embraced his role as captain. His ability and on ice play aside, he’s not afraid to be a leader. He’s been a big part of this core’s success. By being the captain, he’s allowed Panarin, z bad, Fox and Kreider to play their game. He has had tangible moments where he has helped turn this team around. I realize his stock is low here, but we’re speaking to his captaincy here. We just won a presidents trophy under his C.

    2. Callahan- great representation of those years. Torts loved him, and his hard work and heart earned him the C. But ultimately the team improved when he was traded.

    3. Drury- a quiet leader. Short ranger tenure, ultimately disappointing and the team could never get a deep run with him at the helm.

    4. Jagr- never really captain material and honestly, I forgot he had the C

    5. McD- loved him as a ranger and he is probably unfairly maligned because of the decision to make him the C. He clearly never wanted it and his game slipped. He won 2 cups and thrived in Tampa without the pressure if that role.

  20. I think too many people here conflate good player with good captain

  21. Monfett33

    This really makes you think. We haven’t had a good captain In a while.

  22. CapriciousnArbitrary

    This sub is trying to do a reclamation project for Trouba.

  23. Emstinger18

    Cally drury mc jagr truba but I think they are all very good. Including truba. Don’t @ me

  24. Rockonthrulife

    Call best and Drury and Trouba tied for worst because you simply can’t get worse than either one of them. They are literally the bottom of the barrel.

  25. Envelopen

    I never considered McD a good captain, in fact i considered him the phantom captain in the shadow of Lundqvist who was very much the leader in that locker room and based on every players comments about what he meant to them as this was in the era after Cally left, whom was probably the best since messier. With that being said i got nothing against McD i just felt like it was a move they made more for the media presence to shift off of lundqvist

  26. IceTheChilled

    As a Captain: Callahan, McDonagh, Drury, Jagr, Trouba

    As a player: Jagr, McDonagh, Drury/Callahan, Trouba

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