@Flames de Calgary

Kylington a signé un contrat d’un an avec les Avs

Kylington a signé un contrat d’un an avec les Avs



  1. SpitfireFan

    Kind of garbage how he treated us, and obvious we were the only team offering him multi-years. Likely going to boo him next year.

  2. TheMikeSweeney306

    What a douche, takes a one year deal after denying the team that drafted, believed and helped him and offered him a multi year deal. Amazing opportunity for him to win a Cup though.

  3. cgy_bluejays

    His agent fucked up big time expecting a huge market for him that obviously didn’t exist so Connie had no choice but to move on when it turns out we offered him a way better deal than anyone else was going to 

  4. Ok_Ground_9622

    Wow, my kylington heritage classic jersey did not age well goodbye my Swedish king.

  5. tritongamez

    I’ll miss him for sure. Wishing him nothing but the best!

  6. NameIsPetey

    He’s off to recruit Makar to come home. Playing the long game.

  7. Does this sting after the way this organization stood behind him? Absolutely. But idk I still want him to do well and if the flames considered the bridge so burned they couldn’t do better than this very minimal deal I can’t say I blame him

  8. Cuppojoe

    Meh. I didn’t even care when he wouldn’t re-sign with Calgary. His long-term worth has yet to be proven. And the way he tumbles into the boards like a rag-doll, « long-term » might not be very long at all.

  9. grenzowip445

    Honestly don’t agree with the assertion his agent screwed him. There’s no way he had more than a 1 year deal from anyone on the table, and I would be shocked if Flames offered him anymore than 2 mill. He gets to play on a winning team and rebuild his value.

  10. Jobes16

    Should fire his agent who massively overplayed his hand. What a shitshow

  11. Fomophil

    I get wanting a fresh start but can’t help but be disappointed

    Stuck by him for nearly 2 years off ice and he just peaces out

  12. oilerhater

    Sucks we stuck by this guy and continued to pay his salary while he sat on his ass, there’s no loyalty in hockey or any sport for that matter, but it goes both ways. It’s business at the end of the day.

  13. Paulhockey77

    Turning your back on the same organization that paid you to not play hockey in order to get well


  14. SomeJerkOddball

    NGL, I’ve kinda not been on the Kylington love wagon. This was a distraction we didn’t need and he got paid a lifetime worth of money to go walkabout. I hope Bean out plays him.

  15. Scamnam

    He fumbled the bag hard. Oh well best wishes to him

  16. Ordinary-Easy

    It is what it is. Seemed like he had that one good year on Calgary a few years ago but was never able to really improve on the situation and returned to his below 10 points a season form. It’s too bad given his personal struggles but maybe in Colorado on a team with a different situation and a deeper defensive situation they may be able to use him in a more specialized role.

  17. weschester

    I wish Kylington nothing but the best but it is incredibly hard to not feel like this is a massive slap in the face of the organization and fanbase that stood by him while he was dealing with some really difficult things.

    I do want to say that I don’t think anyone owed anything to anyone else in this situation but at the same time it’s still a little hard to digest as a fan.

  18. Cokejunes

    Doesn’t matter if it was his decision or his agents. This team gave him so much leeway over 2 years and went above and beyond what any other franchise would do, and he flips them off on the way out like this? So weird man, best of luck on the 3rd pairing shilly

  19. OrganicRaspberry530

    1×1.1M? That’s a big oof to take that big of a pay cut.

  20. Raines33

    Glad this goofy ball is gone. Way overvalued himself. After what the flames did for him, sure shows the kind of guy he is.

  21. Rivendel45

    I am the only one who thinks that he can do whatever he wants. He’s not obligated to resign with us.

  22. JRP_964

    Kind of a dick move that he wouldn’t sign with us for 1 year for 1 million

  23. wangster71

    I think he owed the Flames more loyalty after the classy way they handled his mental health leave. I don’t wish him any ill will but I definitely won’t be cheering for him. Just another opposing team player now.

  24. pieceofrat

    That sucks. Miss you shilly. Wonder what the holdup was after such a strange couple of years.

  25. bbblllaaaiirrr

    Best of luck to Oliver. Glad he’s going to a team I actually like lol

  26. SnooSketches5737

    We paid him for 2 years and he didn’t play.
    Disloyal bitch

  27. egoVirus

    What’s that in the rear view mirror? Oh, never mind 🤷🏽‍♂️

  28. GriefPB

    One year is interesting to me. No one wanted to take the risk with a long term deal.

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