@Rangers de New York

D’après le classement des bureaux de direction de la LNH voté par les fans des Athletics

D’après le classement des bureaux de direction de la LNH voté par les fans des Athletics



  1. 09-24-11

    From the Athletics fan voted NHL Front Office Rankings. The self admitted imperfect system has the public vote.

    > “Each front office is graded in six categories: roster building, cap management, drafting and development, trading, free agency and vision.

    > This is the ninth annual version of this project. This year’s edition saw nearly 10,000 responses from fans grading their favorite teams and 250 responses grading every team. The contrast between the two is always fascinating.

    The below is the Rangers write up:

    > Hey, Rangers fans — relax a little bit, yeah? The team is elite, has gone to the conference finals in two of three years, has a fairly clean cap sheet and a strong core, and hasn’t made a whole lot of mistakes lately. What more do you want here?

  2. wrecksphord

    What did this look like on the fan side when we didn’t make the playoffs? F- across the board?

  3. nofier27

    Who needs haters with fans like this lmao

  4. chickichuglette

    These grades are the New York equivalent of an A-

  5. Lloyd_Braun-

    Only Ranger fan grade I agree with is the trade part. Drury’s trades have been garbage. I can’t even think about the Buch trade because it may make my head explode.

  6. Redattour

    Public is way wrong on draft and development. Fan base is way wrong on roster building.

  7. BillyFever

    I mean I’ve had plenty of critiques of our front office and I’m not sure that I’d give them an A in any category but yeah having the highest grade in any category be a C+ seems insanely harsh and out of touch with reality.

  8. GrexxSkullz

    Honestly the public opinion is more accurate than ours. We’re obviously biased of a team we’re fans of and will be a lot harsher as evident by all the doomers.

  9. Expert-Lock-6751

    Give us the Cup or the GMs head on a platter…those are the only choices. This is where we are now.

  10. SmokyMetal060

    Bit harsh I think, but I somewhat agree on the ‘draft and develop’ front. Quinn was steaming shit for Kakko and Laf’s development, and Gallant wasn’t much better. In fairness to them, they did help Miller and Fox along. Laf is finally breaking out now (knock on wood) but I sadly don’t think Kakko will ever be more than a reliable middle-six checking forward- at least not on the Rangers.

  11. Informal_Abies_9310

    It is hard to really say if the Fans are that wrong vs. what outside people see. Are we all tired of being close but never good enough? Obviously. But is draft and development really that bad vs. are we all just being too critical? I mean Buffalo has just won a cup in Florida this past season. Edmonton had how many 1st overall picks and is still Cup less? The Devils have been rebuilding now for how long?

    Point is if you compare the Rangers to the majority of teams out there….we are really not that bad. Presently we have 15 players that were either drafted or developed by the Org. You are not going to hit on every pick. Edmonton lost Taylor Hall and Yakupov. The Draft is hard. Teams whiff. It happens. Do I wish on the daily that we handle LAf and Kakko differently? Yes. But they are still here and trying while being a playoff team. That counts for something.

    Drury’s trades and some of his contracts certainly are questionable. Given the budget this team runs with….there should be better results and that is a fair request. But we are not trading away players as of yet to free up cap space. We haven’t had to buyout anyone since Brad Richards.

    Are there obvious holes in the roster that need to be addressed and should have been addressed by now? OFCOURSE! Did Drury miss this summer at replacing certain players and upgrading? Definitely. Are there still low cost options out there? Ofcourse.

    I am fairly confident this team will make the playoffs next season, and go on a run. Will it be enough to finally win it all? If I knew that I wouldn’t be sitting here typing this. I would be a billionaire playboy cashing in on my fortune-telling abilities.

    I think most of us are just too critical …myself included. It could be way worse than it is. But 30 years of not winning a cup while having solid playoff caliber teams is frustrating.

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