@Canucks de Vancouver

J’ai trouvé des vieux souvenirs

Je me souviens que mon grand-père allait au Chevron chaque semaine pour les récupérer, et la joie douce-amère de les recevoir avant son décès. Quelqu’un d’autre a-t-il des trucs sympas qui ont été transmis ?



  1. SuperSwaiyen

    Woah, memory unlocked. I also have this!

  2. unnaturalcoffee

    Oh my god. I remember having to clip coupons from The Province newspaper or possibly north shore news. And then had to line up outside Safeway to get them. I remember one year standing in line I straight up fainted. Woke up with people surrounding me and then some sweet old lady making sure I still got the medallion. I have these somewhere in a box.

    Edit: maybe I did manage to get the coupons from vancouver sun. Can’t remember though as I lived on the north shore.

  3. JauntyGiraffe

    Good ol’ Klatter up there. Underrated Sedin linemate

  4. LCorvus

    I think I have one of Mr Balls of Steel himself still kicking around somewhere. Wish I ended up getting the whole set

  5. AirportNearby9751

    My dad would do the same! He’d head to the 7/11 and grab one for me. I didn’t know anyone else still had these too. Cool find.

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