@Canadiens de Montréal

Quelle équipe constitue la plus grande menace pour les Panthers à l’Est ?

Quelle équipe de la Conférence de l’Est représente la plus grande menace pour les Panthers, champions en titre de la Coupe Stanley? Quelle équipe n’a pas réussi à s’améliorer pendant l’intersaison? Qui a le plus de chances de mettre fin à la disette de la Coupe Canada? L’animateur d’OverDrive, Bryan Hayes, a les réponses.


  1. I’ll take the field over the Panthers. Super hard to hard on your team going all the way to the finals- pushes everyone’s rehab back a couple months, which puts their off season training back a couple months, and the season is so grueling very difficult for players to get stronger during the season.
    So much volatility in NHL teams, especially in the playoffs. Who has a hot goalie? Who is healthy? Who has a coach firing on all cylinders connecting with his team? Which team has guys who are out performing their contracts?

  2. the rangers do not have a great top 4 defense lol. they have an amazing goaltender that bails them out.

  3. Florida is their own threat. Too many changes. Carolina will win the East. I am also not biased.

  4. With roster changes and injuries, Florida will be in tough to repeat. NYR will likely win the Presidents trophy again but idk if they have enough jam to win a cup.

  5. Think Panthers take a little step back
    Has to be some fatigue there 2 years to the final

  6. Absolutely no doubt here it’s Boston Bruins. Last season Panthers and Bruins met ten times in regular and playoffs combined. Bruins were 6-4 over Panthers. Unfortunately the four Bruins losses were in playoffs. Bruins were 4-0 in regular season versus Panthers.

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