@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Recchi viré




  1. ThunderousDemon86

    Portzilne: Mark Recchi, hired under unusual circumstances last fall, fired after only one season with Blue Jackets. #CBJ, under new coach Dead Evason, will hire at least one new assistant coach (maybe two) for 2024-25 season.

    Me: Good.

  2. thecbjfan

    Fuckin McCarthy isn’t 🤦‍♂️

  3. ShartRat

    Awesome now we can get an actual PP coach and he can go fuck up some other team’s PP units.

  4. ChristyLovesGuitars

    I like Mark, and I think he can be a good coach, but this is the right move today. He’ll get a new spot soon.

  5. Ralphcox69

    It’s honestly impressive how McCarthy is able to hold his job after working with 4 different HCs while having one of the worst defensive zone teams in the league. Sucks for Recchi but that’s the business

  6. SenorWingsuit

    I love change, I love a real rebuild!!! Go Jackets!!

  7. Seattlekrakenlegend

    Mike Haviland from the Monsters was just promoted for his defensive and penalty kill coaching —- if he’s going that, I’m not convinced McCarthy is actually staying

    Edit: he’s being retained, Portzline confirmed, nevermind

  8. Still not sure why we hired a guy who coached a worse powerplay than *ours*, but oh well. Glad it’s over

  9. Spade18

    Devils fan just dropping by to chant FIRE RECCHI

  10. Fabresque_

    In a way I do feel bad because most of the problems he inherited in PP was down to years of Larsen’s ineptitude. On the other hand, he was a piss poor special teams coach in his last job and did nothing to fix the predicament here. So no complaints from me.

    McCarthy is the one who needs to go though. His defensive setups are consistently the worst in the league year in year out. That’s where a fresh set of eyes is really important.

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