@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Ce nouveau contrat de Martin Nečas est RISQUÉ

Salut les gars, je ne sais pas trop quoi penser de ce contrat avec Martin Necas. J’exprime mon inquiétude dans ma dernière vidéo, et si j’étais un fan des Canes, je serais assez inquiet.

Si vous êtes d’accord, faites-le moi savoir dans les commentaires, et si vous pensez que je dis des conneries, faites-le moi savoir aussi ! mdr




  1. firepipes08

    Sebastian Aho was going to be a UFA this offseason.

  2. gumshoeismygod

    Clickbait thumbnail aside, you’re not wrong. It IS risky. But I think it’s a risk the Canes are rightly comfortable taking.

    The Canes are in a position to give Necas that increased role he’s been after this season. Maybe he thrives this season and is willing to sign a long term extension next offseason? Would be a big win for both sides.

    Maybe though, he doesn’t perform that well, or isn’t given the role that he wants and continues to ask for a trade. Then that extra year lets them far more easily trade him next offseason, where teams will at least be guaranteed a year of his services in 2025-26 before he hits UFA.

    Of course it could blow up in their face and he could perform well and walk in 2026 anyway… but sometimes you just have to roll the dice.

  3. CrashEMT911

    You are incorrect.

    Necas is a Canes listed wing, who wants to be a C. I don’t believe RBA will ever allow that. On waivers, we were left with leaving a talented player who has said he’s not happy while the Canes have no current replacement ready to swing in, or keep him short term and help his value *knowing* that in 2 years we would probably lose him.

    He has a lot of talent. He’s good trade fodder if we find other gaps. His star may rise, and he’ll better fit his role. Hard to say. the only bad option was to reject the arbitration.

  4. MathematicianSelect1

    I like Necas, but it seems pretty mutual between Necas and the team that he’s not going to be a franchise player here. For that reason, I wouldn’t call it risky.

  5. OmegaAtrocity

    I don’t really think it’s that risky honestly. I would be utterly shocked if he was on the team after the next 2 years. He’ll either walk or be traded. I think it’s an L from an asset perspective, but you’re not always going to win every single negotiation or situation that happens.

    I also think that he values himself above where every team in the league does, considering it was pretty clear we were shopping him and no one bought. He has an opportunity to play to a high level in a larger role and get himself that big deal he wants.

  6. xTarheelsUNCx

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