@Sharks de San José

J’ai dessiné SJ Sharkie en m’inspirant de la mascotte des California Golden Seals !

Les Golden Seals de Californie avaient bel et bien une mascotte ! Son nom était "Sparky le phoque"créé par Charles M. Schulz ! Le même homme qui a écrit l’original "Cacahuètes" les dessins animés! "Étincelant" C’était aussi son surnom !



  1. SkinlessHumanoid

    This is very adorable. Well done. Would love to have this as a sticker

  2. _noncomposmentis

    I absolutely love this! Good job!

  3. gosharksgosharks

    This is super cute!! Love it!!! I’m curious he it would look with a little fin (not sure if it would look weird though)

  4. zkarabat

    Great job, if they ever do a Seals Night this needs to be made into stickers or something to give away

  5. DefeaterOfDragons

    That would be a cool sticker!

  6. kwmcmillan

    Yup, HQ needs to make those into stickers and pay you handsomely for the privilege!

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