@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Dans la salle S09E07 : Une année maudite | Penguins de Pittsburgh

Alors que tout le monde est prêt à ce que 2020 soit terminée, elle s’est terminée trop tôt pour les Penguins. Rejoignez-nous pour revoir tous les sourires et les malheurs, les triomphes et les larmes de la saison 2019.20, et jetez un œil à l’intérieur des Penguins lorsque l’équipe était dans la bulle de Toronto. ABONNEZ-VOUS pour être parmi les premiers à voir le nouveau contenu des Penguins en cliquant ici : https://pens.pe/subscribe


  1. Not sure wether to watch it now, or save it for another day without hockey down the road……it’s like rationing joy.

  2. This team really had something going before that 6 game losing streak, I still feel that they can get another cup before Sid and Geno retire I really do. I said after they won in 16 they’re going to do 3 in 6 like the Hawks and still think they can do that. Stinks that guys like Hornqvist, Schultz, and Murray had to leave but sometimes you gotta move on from guys, and I still feel confident in the group we have. Let’s go out and get another Pitt! Let’s Go Pens!

  3. I went to the game in Anaheim two weeks before everything hit the fan and so glad I did. I can't wait for hockey to start again.

  4. Was prepared to see the Penguins play in my hometown Columbus until it got cancelled.. I remember thinking it was only going to be postponed for 2-3. Definitely miss the old days… I often wonder if we will ever get to experience sports events like we did 8 months ago… it almost seems out of reach…

  5. This series is incredible. Well done to all your producers, editors, cinematographers, and everyone else involved! Really high quality videos you wouldn't expect from a professional sports team.

  6. Hope Cap. is recovering well.

    Would love another cup before the dreaded window closes on this era.

  7. Пока не поменяют генменеджера КС не будет. За Марло никто не ответил)

  8. Love this team. They’ve brought me so much joy in the past few years. Can’t wait to see them play together again. Congrats to Letang who was named #8 defenseman. Love the boys! LGP!!!

  9. You guys make good videos, I must say.

    As a Leafs fan I'll tell you you'll enjoy Kasperi Kapanen. Kid's got some wheels.

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