@Flames de Calgary

Oliver Kylington a été interviewé par un membre des médias suédois depuis sa signature au Colorado. C’est payant, mais voici ce que j’ai compris

Oliver Kylington a été interviewé par un membre des médias suédois depuis sa signature au Colorado. C’est payant, mais voici ce que j’ai compris



  1. dbhabie

    Yeah, they really wanted him so badly they signed him for *checks notes* 1 year…

  2. hey-there-yall

    Really tired of hearing about this guy.

  3. itoadaso1

    It’s remarkable how quickly he shifted from « not mentally fit to play hockey » to « all I care about is winning ».

  4. Healthy_Tackle751

    🥱 So how about that Zayne parekh?

  5. I don’t mean to be insensitive but this guy is a ding dong.

  6. treple13

    I wondered if he might leave. No matter how good we were about it, he’s still going to associate his time in Calgary with mental illness.

    Not surprised someone in that situation might be wanting a fresh start

  7. klondike16

    No relationship with his family? Must be some troubled stuff, feel like we havnt seen anything on his struggles maybe this gives a touch of insight?

  8. bluemountaindrew

    I’m a big mental health supporter, but it’s a lot easier to deal with when you’re getting paid millions and not working. I’m glad the flames (a big corporation) actually did this, it’s just not like this for normal people.

  9. BirdValaBrain

    Not one thank you to the Flames for all they did for him. Good riddance. I hope Colorado sucks next year.

  10. grenzowip445

    Yawn. All this handwringing over a 27 year old with ONE full NHL season under his belt. In the grand scheme of things this is such a non issue.

  11. The_Gaudfather

    I would hope people have grown some since the Gaudreau/Tkachuk discourse. Regardless of what Calgary did for him, he has the right as a UFA to entertain offers from any team in the league. Conroy said they elected to sign Jake Bean to fill his role and he doesn’t seem too broken up about it. When also considering all of the NHL D Calgary has I can’t say it’s shocking Kylington looked for more opportunity.

    It sucks he missed time for mental health reasons, but I’d rather root for an organization that puts the well being of their people first because it’s the right thing to do and not because it should earn them some loyalty come UFA season. Further, when considering Calgary is going into rebuild mode, it shouldn’t be surprising he wants to play meaningful hockey now that he feels he’s in a position to do so.

    By now, I’d hope fans would be able to wish a player in this situation well and shift focus to the future.

  12. Putrid_Lab_6795

    I hope not, but I have the feeling that there is something major brewing in his life. No relationships with family is odd. I can imagine some things going on in his life, but won’t share them because there is zero evidence out there, but still makes me wonder if a relapse is possible. The truth of the matter is that bothers me that he did not extend with the flames, but at the same time I hope he recovered 100%. He is a young man trying to live his life and he deserves happiness and not to be judged by hockey-centric fans. Good luck to him.

  13. Original_Gypsy

    I wish I had millions of dollars to sit at home and deal with my mental health problems.

  14. Armchair-Gm-Podcast

    Oliver was an exciting young prospect. As he grew older you could really tell his potential wasn’t as high as we may have once thought. He is a fine 4th or 5th defenseman when he plays, but him and his agent way overplayed their hand. The risk factor and headache that comes along with him wasn’t worth it for the flames. I’m happy Conroy didn’t budge on his offer. On the human side, I hope Oliver has a decent career, on the hockey side i am kind of happy it’s not in Calgary.

    Another thing to think about is how his play style fits the long term plan of the flames. We have high octane offensive prospects coming in on the blue line over the next few years like Parekh, Hunter, Mews and Poirier. If two of those guys turn into the players we hope they can be I don’t specifically think having Oliver running around pretending to be a forward on top of those guys is the best idea. Maybe that’s just me.

  15. Paulhockey77

    I wish my job let me stay home and collect pay checks while I’m dealing with mental health

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