@Kraken de Seattle

Le défenseur Ryker Evans n’a jamais cessé de surprendre ses coéquipiers et ses entraîneurs

Le défenseur Ryker Evans n’a jamais cessé de surprendre ses coéquipiers et ses entraîneurs



  1. Foreign_Emotion

    Hopefully that goal is the first of many!

  2. inalasahl

    I did not know the thigh weights story or the sleeping through the draft story!

  3. PSGooner

    Garth appears to march to his own drummer and good for him. I mean who sleeps through the draft when you’re possibly about to be chosen?!

    I’ve had the chance to meet him and he was very quiet but still cordial and looked me right in the eyes after he signed an item for me. Rooting for the kid to do well and represent CV up in Seattle along with Joey, Tye and Shane!

  4. BayAreaKrakHead

    Kid is gonna be a stud in a few years. Excited to see him play FT this year with the Kraken. He quickly became one of my favorite players with just how he played in CV.

  5. goblinwood

    Garth sleeping through the draft is so so so funny, this dude rules. So excited to see him play full time next season.

  6. surfingeagles

    With the way who we have at defense right now, I am assuming it is going to be Borgen and him on the same line and I can’t wait!! Borgen’s energy and Evans reserve is going to be fun to keep an eye on.

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