@Blues de Saint-Louis

L’offre des Blues de St Louis Broberg & Holloway | Oilersnation Tous les jours avec Tyler Yaremchuk

Nous avons reçu des nouvelles importantes aujourd’hui, car les Blues de St. Louis ont fait une offre à Philip Broberg et Dylan Holloway pour un plafond salarial combiné de près de 7 millions de dollars. Tyler est passé en direct avec une édition spéciale de l’émission mardi matin pour tout décortiquer. Les Oilers peuvent-ils égaler les deux ? S’ils doivent choisir entre les deux, qui devrait-ce être ? Il a répondu à tout cela et plus encore dans le stream d’aujourd’hui. 💻 Site Web : https://oilersnation.com/ https://twitter.com/OilersNation/ https://www.youtube.com/@Oilersnationdotcom/ https://www.facebook.com/OilersNation/ https://www.instagram.com/oilersnationdotcom https://www.tiktok.com/@oilersnation MERCI À NOS SPONSORS !! 👍🏼Propulsé par @bet365. Quel que soit le moment, ce n’est jamais ordinaire chez bet365. Téléchargez l’application dès aujourd’hui et utilisez le code promo : OILYBONUS. Français : http://www.bet365.ca/ 👍🏼 GRETA BAR https://www.gretabar.com/locations/ca 👍🏼 Spring Financial http://SpringFinancial.ca/one 👍🏼 Sherwood Ford : https://www.sherwoodford.ca/ 👍🏼 Sports Closet : https://sportscloset.ca/ 👍🏼 Star Mechanical : https://starmechanical.ca/ 👍🏼 Mill Woods Golf Course : https://www.millwoodsgolfcourse.com/ 👍🏼 Burgers to Beat MS : https://web.aw.ca/en/our-values/our-community/burgerstobeatms/ Contactez sales@thenationnetwork.com pour communiquer avec notre équipe de vente et discuter des possibilités de partenariat avec nous ! Visitez www.nationgear.ca pour des produits dérivés et plus encore.


  1. Not to mention outside of the money they're going to be given more playing time. Holloway isn't trapped to a third line spot in St. Louis bromberg's going to definitely get top four minutes

  2. Trade Holloway's rights for a higher pick if you can and let Broberg walk for the 2nd. Not really surprised by Broberg with all the talk over the last few years but Holloway accepting an offer for like 700k and 1 more year than he probably would have gotten here is wild. Goes from a cup contending team with an opportunity for a bigger payout next year to a bottom feeder team in a packed division and no real upside other than maybe playing time? Doesn't really sit well tbh.

  3. It's hard to not get a little upset about these guys taking the ransom when veterans are settling for half the money to play with McDavid.

  4. Liam , let them both go, Bahahaaaaaaaaa, ya all the time and effort to grow these players, We don’t let Either Of Them Go !!! Both will be excellent future players, that could be this year !! Both first round players, we have developed over years !! Both must stay !!

  5. Sorry but I never really liked the Broberg pick. He’s not physical at all, and his qualifying offer after two years will have to be 6ish? No thanks! As for Holloway, Savoie can replace his goals within the season.

  6. Won’t the guys in the locker room be a bit annoyed, when others are signing, or considering signing, value deals?? They may not have many friends in the room after signing the offer sheets…

  7. Think about everything we lost now.
    This team got really thinned out, especially on D.

    Foegele, McCloud, Holloway, Dacharnais, Broberg.

    Kane basically out for the regular season. Perry not getting any younger, Skinner not getting any better defensively or seeing playoffs, Arvidson health being a question.

  8. If Kane doesnt want to go on LTIR for the betterment of the team, trade him and Cece asap! Also, they need to force Nurse to waive his no trade clause, he got us into this mess. Oilers need to sign Hollywood n Broberg, these two are going to be good for the Oilers for many year

  9. Well this sucks. Kind of understand broberg deciding to do this. Should have played way more in the regular season. Constantly playing him out of his natural position. He’s taking Life changing money. Huge blow, but I think we let them both walk. They were meant to be bargan contracts. If so Oilers team has lost 3 solid of developed pipeline roster players and a ton of speed this off season! Not great. Hate it but a very savvy move by the blues.

  10. Typical Oilers management. Things were going much too well with JJ. Now they might loose two 1st round picks for a 2nd and 3rd. Plus Ceci and Nurse are still on the roster. 🙄

  11. How can you fault Holloway for taking that much money this early in his career? Dude anyone can get injured at any point and that's it. Players need to take the money as early as they can. Oilers were stupid for letting themselves get put in this situation. September is only a few weeks away and they are still over the cap and likely haven't done any serious negotiations with these guys. They put themselves in a bad situation and now have to overpay just to keep their players

  12. I think a lot of people don't understand how LTIR works. Player's contracts have to factored into the total cap structure before the season starts, including any LTIR contracts. LTIR contracts is not extra cap space. Its dead money on the books. Then a team then calculates their total contracts at the start of the season including players they want to LTIR, they still have to be under the cap structure. Until this point, they then can put players on LTIR and create that space for teams to then make trades. But this doesn't happen until the season starts.

    Example. Las Vegas traded for Weber's 7 million contract from Montreal. It was an LTIR contract and they did it in the offseason. Why would they do this? Because they wanted that extra space to sign more players. What they didn't realize is that Weber contract had to be part of their cap structure until the season starts. So that Weber's contract was actually hurting the Golden Knights, so they immediately traded that contract to the Coyotes, who then used Weber's contract to get to the cap floor.

    Montreal also has Carey Price's contract for 10.5 million. Its dead money for them which they have had to carry for years. Last year they didn't even LTIR it, they just kept it on the books. This year Price's contract is still on the books but they also have 5 million of cap space available even with Price's contract on the books. If teams could carry LTIR contracts into the offseason, think how valuable Price's contract would be? It would be worth 3 first round picks. The length of the LTIR contract and the value of it. Price has been on LTIR for 3 years and 2 more years to go. It would be priceless to have that contract if LTIR would go into the offseason.

    Why would you not want to put a contract on LTIR because a team then can accrue cap space and grow their cap space during the year so they can make trades at the deadline to go for the playoffs. If you have a contract on LTIR, you don't accrue any cap space.

    Going to add another thing. The reason why people are so pissed with Las Vegas is that Mark Stone mysteriously gets injured during the season, gets his 9 million contract put on LTIR and then Vegas trades for players to add to the playoffs. Even then Vegas has had to let go players because they now have to deal with the cap shenanigans in the offseason. They lost good players this offseason. This is the loophole that managers want to squash and talk about a playoff cap limit would help limit this. There is no offseason LTIR, LTIR doesn't get factored in until the season starts then teams can decide to LTIR contracts.

  13. There would have been no offer sheet if they had waited to sign no defense Skinner and hurt a lot Arvidsson. What does that say about the players you already have not signed. Should they not have signed them first, at least Broberg (2yr at 2.5/3mil). Then see how much room you have left. This could end up like the Campbell deal. Looks good on paper. Those should have been deadline deals. Could they have pulled a Lou Lamoriello and not submitted the contracts until their rfa's were signed?

  14. Match Brogberg and let Hollie walk. Sign UFA Steven Lorentz, who was a solid bottom 6 for the Panthers. And would be great in the Oilers bottom 6.

  15. Another thing you said that the Oilers cannot trade them once they accept the offer. But can they trade both with the offer sheet to a team willing to and able to sign them. Maybe for cheaper signed players or greater picks. I think teams might be willing on a rebuilding team or any team to make sure St. Louis is not successful. All teams probably do not like offer sheets. If this is allowed there must be one team willing to help.

  16. i will blame oiler mgmt team offer 3M skinner and resigned Perry to expect both RFAs will take 1M deal lol. what a move St Louis to screw Oiler Now every team in NHL knew Oiler is screw with cap. Holloway 2M and Skinner age 32 3M

  17. Just found out that offer sheets can only be offered to players with a MINIMUM of 80 NHL games played. This is not valid.

  18. You need to bring back Broberg. The team does not have a lot of depth on D and you never know about injuries. It sucks that you lose Holloway but the Oil have a lot more depth on offence than on D. Broberg will be an impact guy.

  19. If we can keep both do. If we have to lose one, I say let Holloway go and keep Broberg. Kid really stepped up in the playoffs while Holloway was kinda disappointing. If we're honest we have enough depth up front, we don't have a solid D yet and if Broberg can keep up his game from the playoffs he will play regularly and solve a lot of problems.

  20. Hollaway has the physical play the Oilers need and could potentially live up to the contract but Broberg would be a huge overpay

  21. lol i'm laughing the head off at the hypocrisy of the fact that a player accepted more money and it rubs you the wrong way.. if you did it to another team would it rub you the wrong way?.. literally st louis opened the check book for 2 players.. players have short careers on average.. need to know when the time is right to cash in.. Also i should point out who is going to PAY the oilers to take someone like ceci.. teams had to attach like a 2nd round pick to someone with an expiring contract and 3mil or so of cap hi..

  22. Buy to both. The path is not always greener. Especially in St.Louis. Oil will survive until the deadline and the blues won’t be in the playoffs. Broberg and Holloway can watch re-runs of McJesus hoisting the lord in 2025.

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