@Red Wings de Détroit

Retour sur les Red Wings de Détroit de 1997

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  1. Wings fan from Michigan, glad to see this video come up! I don't think this was a bought Stanley cup. The wings had a high payroll at 28 mill, but they were 3rd in the league. The rangers had 38 mill that year. Now the 2002 team on the other hand….. yeah that was bought lol. But I don't care I got to witness my team get a few Stanley cups haha

  2. I have one complaint in every video I've watched over the last 5 months… Vernon beat Roy

  3. So where does Lidstrom rank in the all time D-Man rankings? I got him number two behind Orr but I would love to see how people rank it.

  4. Darren McCarty's goal in fourth Stanley Cup final -game was a thing of beauty! Scotty Bowman said that McCarty was his favourite winger after Guy LaFleur.

  5. Hi,
    If we want to talk about the 2002 Red Wings as a team that "bought" a Stanley cup, we can do that, but I completely disagree that the 1997 98 Red Wings were bought. That is a tired old bit that doesn't stand to reason.

    Players drafted by Wings on 97 roster. =16


    Players acquired by trade. =7

    Vernon traded to Detroit from Calgary for Steve Chiasson.

    Draper was acquired for $1 from Winnipeg via trade.

    Larionov was acquired via trade with San Jose for Ray Sheppard

    Shanahan was acquired via trade with Whalers for Primeau and Coffey.

    Murphy was acquired at trade deadline from Toronto for future considerations.

    Fetisov acquired via trade with New Jersey for 3rd rd pick in 1995 draft.

    Sandstrom acquired via trade with Pittsburgh for Greg Johnson.

    Brown acquired in waver draft from Pittsburgh.

    Bob Rouse was the ONLY free agent signing on entire 1997 roster. (Signed in summer of 1994) Hardly a big name signing like a Brett Hull or Hasek.

  6. Seriously? You really need to tighten up your FACTS because, for one, Vernon turned Roy into a bloody mess in that March brawl … Roy kicked Osgood's ass the following year. Second, the Wings didn't play that garbage Neutral Zone Trap, they played the left wing lock. The trap is one forechecker and four defenders behind in a square formation. The forechecker forces the puck carrier to one side and the four others move to that side and clutch and grab and hook to get a turnover.That's how untalented teams with no speed and overrated goaltenders win Cups. The lock used the left winger as a third defenseman to force dump ins and turn overs at the blue line. Most teams by then were already playing similar styles, the Wings just did it better. The Wings out-skated, out-skilled, and just simply out-classed the Flyers. Just ask Dale Hawerchuk (see game 3 hit, I think he still has a concussion to this day). Oh, and the Flyers goaltenders couldn't stop slow rolling beach balls either.

  7. Federov also played a ton of PP time on defense.  His game had so many dimensions that enhanced the team as a whole.  If only he took more pride in her personal life and didn't get snipped by Kornikova.

  8. I suffered thru the 70's & 80's as a Red Wings fan ( they were truly dreadful ) this team brought me so much joy & relief because I was born in 61 and thought i would never see a cup in my life.

  9. Funny about Murphy being booed out of Toronto. Maple leaf fans get upset at isles fan for booing tavares in his return, but have no qualms that they booed a hall of fame dman out of town, lol

  10. I would love to hear your thoughts on Dino Ciccarelli,he sould be in the Hall bigtime and an NHL award after him,the biggest pest of the year..lol..lol.. Thinking the first on the award would be Lemieux Verbeek….Your thoughts..lol…lol..😁🏒🥅

  11. I think had Detroit played the rangers, honestly the rangers would've won and mike richter or Gretzky would've won the conn smythe.

  12. Detroit did to Philly what NJ had done to them…spot on. Fun fact: the Flyers has the lead for all of 2:00 for the entire series (1-0 in game 3).

  13. Vernon did NOT get beat up by Roy. He beat the piss out of him, and bloodied him up…..

  14. Detroit native. I was in 9th grade when the Wings won. The local newspapers called them the Dead Wings for years until 6/7/97.

  15. I mean that means the argument could be made for all 3 Yzerman era cups that they bought their cups but that doesn't make the line ups any less awesome or those cups any less legit. When the cap first came in it took me a long time to accept it as a Red Wings fan lol. But hey we still managed 2008

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