@Rangers de New York

Tony D, le côté de l’incident

Il dit que Georgiev et lui se sont affrontés dans le tunnel, Georgi lui a donné un coup de tête et Tony lui a donné un coup de bâton. Aucune mention d’un coup de poing de Kreider ou de Tony l’ayant traité de communiste



  1. bucky02k

    Shocked Tony wouldn’t say what set Georgie off /s

  2. AbeFromanfromChicago

    Copy + Pasting what I wrote in yesterdays post about this because it doesn’t deserve much more effort:

    >This was a total waste of time… Did Colby Cohen claim that Brady Skeji and Kevin Shattenkirk were on the team and had his back or did I mishear that. Also, blaming David Quinn for this to make a name for himself?

    >Hope this clown enjoys Russia.

  3. SwarthySphere87

    Remember folks, Tony DeAngelo is the first NHL player in **history** to be bought out of **two different contracts across two different teams as an active player for both**

    That’s how toxic this dude is

  4. albynomonk

    Who gives a fuck… this guy is trash, I have no interest in hearing what he has to say about anything. Enjoy the gulags you fuck.

  5. Herplederple1

    I don’t like either. Tony D is a douche of epic proportions

    Georgie is a terrible teammate by all accounts

  6. BeesVBeads

    Toxic teammates suck. Say what you will about our core but these dudes all seem to have each other’s back win, lose or draw. Teams with these back-biting divas don’t usually have much success

  7. JPmoneyman

    I appreciate Tony’s honesty and willingness to talk about the situation. I don’t hate him as much as some people in this sub but I’m glad we made that decision to get rid of him. You can’t have guys criticizing your goalie like that after a game.

  8. mrniphty

    All I know is I never felt more confident in the Rangers than when Tony D had the puck in the 22 and 24 playoffs.

    Dude was an NPC out there on the ice, completely anemic.

  9. WorldImpact22

    I don’t believe a word this scumbag says.

  10. nyrangerfan1

    Yea not buying it. You would have done something stupid sooner or later if you had come back. Good riddance. Enjoy the gulags in Siberia.

  11. megadouche2000

    What I want to hear next is the Tom Wilson incident , how there was zero response in that game (we did ice a Wimpy team in the last stretch of the Covid season) and basically everything that happened from the moment they got off the ice until the line brawl the following game

  12. PEPE_22

    This guy’s stupidity cost him tens of millions of dollars.

  13. TwoRight9509

    He’s going to play in Russia, he’s going to be an absolute dick to everyone, he’s going to be mysteriously and forcibly drafted in to the Russian army and he’s going to be “lost” in Ukraine.

  14. Jagr6810

    I know he didn’t have the best reputation but I would have still tried to get an asset for him. The front office let that situation get out of hand. Teammates fight all the time.

    He was still a wanted player besides his antics.

    Maybe it’s a bad take but I feel like the front office just let the media blow that whole thing up and did zero damage control

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